Apple Picking (Sabriel)

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Gabriel glanced up as he squinted his eyes toward the sun and made a sound of distaste from the back of his throat. It was unusually humid today, and when his boyfriend begged him to go pick some fresh organic apples, Gabe thought he was going to die of heat stroke. But as always, he could never deny his love anything.

"Gabe, if you don't start picking some apples I am going to throw some at you." Sam puffed out as sweat rolled down his forehead and made a pool at the corners of his eyes.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and dramatically wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. "The things I do for love, kiddo. One day you'll be the death of me."

Sam snorted as he sent a playful glare toward his boyfriend. "You are such a drama queen, Gabe."

Gabe stuck out his tongue before snatching up an apple and staring at it closely. "I prefer my apples candied."

"I prefer my boyfriend not having diabetes." Sam retorted with a short laugh.

"I am an archangel, kiddo, I ain't getting diabetes any time soon." Gabriel tossed the apple nonchalantly into the basket before clinging to Sam's back and climbing up piggy back style. "I'm too short for this, lift me up."

"Sometimes I think I am dating a twelve year old." Sam grunts as he grabs onto Gabe's thighs and hoists him up so that his legs wrap easily around his waist. "Grab some apples, get the juicy ones."

"You know I can just make apples appear." Gabe stated as he started to grab apples and rain them down in Sam's basket. Every apple he chose he made sure it was healthy, for nothing but the best for his hunter.

"This is more fun." Sam rubbed his thumbs into Gabe's flesh and enjoyed the weight on his back. "Plus I get to spend time with you."

"You're such a romantic." Gabe dipped his hand and placed a soft kiss on the top of Sam's head. "And I just adore that about you."

The sun began to beat a little hotter, and although Gabe knew that Sam hated when he used his little tricks, he couldn't help materializing an umbrella in his hand to shade over them. Sam sighed in relief at the block of sunlight and shifted his hold a little with a soft grunt.

"God, you are heavy. All that candy has gone right to your gut."

Gabe squinted down at Sam's head with a devilish smirk. "That right?" Leaning down, Gabe dropped the umbrella and gripped tightly to Sam's hair to pull the hunter's head back and expose his neck. Gabe licked up a strip of Sam's neck and bit playfully just below his ear, getting a nice moan to escape Sam's lips. "Next time you call me fat, kiddo, I will be less forgiving."

Sam shivered underneath Gabe and dug his nails into his thighs. "That right?"

Gabe nodded and drug his teeth along Sam's jaw. "I think you have some picking to get to." And just like that Gabe was gone from Sam's back and suddenly leaning against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest and the smuggest smile Sam had yet to see on his face. "Pick some more of your goddamn apples, then you can make me some apple pie."

Sam just shook his head lightly and went back to picking. "God, I love you, Gabe. Days like this... I just can't help but want to say it over and over again."

Gabe shrugged and watched the soft summer breeze brush strands of hair across Sam's cheeks and forehead. "You'll never understand, kiddo, just how much more I love you. Every single moment... the longer I spend with you..." Gabe's voice cut off as his eyes fell to the ground. "Just pick your damn apples."

"Come here, Gabe." Sam reached out and tugged his archangel against his chest and buried his face into the crook of Gabe's neck. "The apples can wait, I just want you close. When do you have to leave again?"

Gabe ran his fingers lightly through Sam's hair and shook his head. "I'm not ever leaving, Sam. This time I am here for good."

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