A Baseball Game

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"We should do this more often." Sam whispered under his breath as he watched the players warming up.

Dean nodded in his stadium seat with a beer in his hand. "Yeah, I kinda wish we got to do stuff like this more often."

The two brothers watched as players tossed the ball idly back and worth, waiting for the inning to go under way. It wasn't even a major league game, it was only farm teams. But something almost like nostalgia took Dean's hold. He wishes he had memories like going with his dad to a baseball game. He wishes he could take back some of the time he had had with his dad to take him to a ball field.

"Knowing our luck, there's probably a demon on the team." Sam snorted before settling back in his seat.

"Don't you dare jinx us." Dean sent a glare over at his brother but it melted into a smile when he noticed the way his brother's face glowed in the sunlight. He wishes Sammy would look like that more often, like he wasn't preparing himself for another hardship. In that moment it was easy for Dean to imagine that his younger brother was just another bystander that got to enjoy the simple things in life such as a baseball game.

"Dean! Sam!" A rough voice called enthusiastically from below them.

Their heads turned down to see Castiel. The fallen angel was talking with one of the players. Dean had pulled a lot of strings so that Cas could throw the first pitch. It was worth it when he saw the look of unbridled joy on Cas' face after he threw a strike in front of the entire stadium

Cas sent them a wave before turning back to the player and motioning his arms in outrageous gestures. Dean felt as though he was floating on air.

"You know, you did a good thing." Sam nudged his brother. "I haven't seen his eyes light up like that in a long time."

"Yeah." The older hunter let out a deep sigh before readjusting in his seat. His eyes never left Cas' profile. "I figured since Cas saved the world he deserved to throw a first pitch."

"How did you manage that?"

"An old hunting pal is now the manager of the team." Dean smirked. "Old friend of dad's who actually got old enough to retire."

"Good for him." Sam eyed over the line of coaches, trying to find one that looked a little rough around the edges. "Maybe one day we'll be old geezers sitting here enjoying a game."

Dean felt a pang on something ache in his chest. "Maybe."

"Dean!" Cas' voice boomed again.

Dean's eyes fell to meet Cas'. "What?!" He had to shout to be heard over the crowd.

"They said I get to keep the ball!" Castiel waved the baseball over his head with a childish grin. "They signed it!"

Sam chuckled with a fond shake of his head. "What a dork."

"He might be a dork, but he's our dork." Dean grinned widely at Cas, feeling a little hope for a bright future nestle inside of his mind.

"Riiiiiight." Sam rolled his eyes. "You mean he's your dork."

"And I'm damn proud of it." Dean watched like a hawk as Cas shook hands with the player and then started up toward their seats. The moment Cas fell into his seat beside him, Dean had an arm slung across his shoulders.

"Look!" Cas shoved the ball into his face. "Isn't it 'awesome'?"

Dean chuckled at their one-handed air quotes before leaning over and placing a quick kiss on Cas' forehead. "It is, sweetheart."

Twenty minutes later as Dean was explaining the foul ball line for the millionth time to the fallen angel and trying to keep Sam from buying too many expensive ballpark snacks, he almost regretted his decision to bring Team Free Will to a baseball game. Almost.

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