Jealousy in Purgatory

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"Burgers are alright, but gumbo is where it's at." Benny added with a smirk. "I make a mean bowl of gumbo."

Dean cocked an eyebrow with a reserved smile. "Oh really? Well when we are topside you will have to introduce me to what you claim is better than a greasy burger."

Castiel scowled deeply as he watched the two of them mingle casually as they made their way through the darkened woods of Purgatory. It had been going on for days now and Cas was on his last nerve. Dean had been all over him for about an hour since they had found him and now it was like he didn't even exist. It was like the vampire had sucked all of Dean's focus with that southern drawl Cas came to loath.

"Let's take a break, brother. All this walking ain't good if we want to keep up our strength." Benny idly stilled and turned to meet Cas' eyes. "You doin' okay back there, hot wings?"

"If by 'okay' you mean I am fighting for my life in the land of abominations, then yes." Cas growled out as he took a seat on a fallen tree and ducked his head into his hands. "I am peachy."

The three of them took a small breath while keeping their eyes trained on the woods surrounding them. Every so often Dean would make a comment and Benny would let out a laugh that came from deep within his stomach. The scowl only deepened on Cas' face until he hatched a plan. If Dean was going to get friendly with Benny then so shall he. Maybe then he could get Dean to pay attention to him again.


"Yeah, hot wings?"

Castiel lifted his head and studied the vampire's face carefully. "Did you work out a lot when you were on Earth?"

Benny chuckled lightly with a look of amused shock. "Sure, did. Why do you ask?"

"I was simply wondering." Cas dropped his shoulders and mustered up what he thought might be a flirty smile. "You seem to handle yourself very well down here."

Dean's jaw set a little as he looked between the angel and vampire. "Yeah, well, he is a vampire. Superhuman strength and all that."

"Yes but that wouldn't account for his build." Cas let his eyes drop over Benny's body before flickering back up to the crystal blue now searching his with even more amusement. "It must be easy to seduce women into your bed."

Dean choked on his breath.

Benny smirked. "Men and women, hot wings. And I guess I used to do pretty well for myself."

The mention of 'men' seemed to make Castiel grin even wider and for a moment he forgot that he was only flirting to get back at Dean. "What are your plans when you get out of here?"

"Travel. Not really the settling type." Benny took a few steps closer to Cas without thinking. "Why?"

Cas shrugged and dropped his eyes. "I was curious."

"We have shit to do when we get topside, Cas." Dean gritted through his teeth as his eyes stayed trained angrily on Benny.

"I think after this I could use a 'vacation'." Castiel air-quoted it as he licked his lips. "Travelling doesn't sound half bad."

It was then that Benny met Cas' eyes and he seemed to stall in his thoughts. The vampire looked over his shoulder briefly at Dean and then met Cas' gaze again. Something clicked in Benny's brain and he smiled with a nod. He sent Cas a wink. "I know some great places, hot wings."

Dean's mouth fell open with a mixture between disbelief and fury. "What the-"

"Maybe you could show me." Castiel stood from the log and dropped his hips subtly.

Benny tried to contain his laughter. "Sure thing, sweetheart." The vampire was many things but he wasn't stupid. He saw the way the angel looked at Dean and he knew first-hand what lengths Dean had went to for Cas.

Dean glared with a reddening face at Benny before shoving him back and giving Castiel a dangerous look. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Nothing." Cas shrugged. "You seem to trust Benny and he is very attractive-"

The rest of the words were but off as Dean bolted forward and pulled Cas into a desperately searing kiss. When the two of them pulled back Castiel had to grip Dean's jacket to keep from melting onto the ground. Their eyes met and stayed locked as Dean took a deep breath.

"You're mine, Cas." Dean punctuated his statement by gripping tightly to Cas' hips. All uncertainty in the hunter's mind seemed to have vanished.

Castiel nodded as he swallowed the taste of Dean. "I know that. I was wondering if you did."

Benny shook his head with a snort and a fond smile. "You two done making out and getting your feelings out in the open? Cause it's still a long trek."

Dean nodded but paused just a moment to place another kiss on the angel's lips, this one more reserved and full of an emotion that made Cas' mind spin. "Let's go."

Cas allowed himself to be led through the woods with Dean's hand in his. When Benny turned around and subtly gave him a thumbs up, Castiel returned it with a wink. Maybe the vampire still got under Cas' nerves from time to time but he found that he owed Benny his life.

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