The Way He Looks At You

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Sometimes Sam wishes Dean could see the way Castiel looks at him when he thinks no one is looking. The fallen angel's eyes will haze over into an awestruck glaze that takes Sam's breath away. He never truly thought he could see love, thought more that love was intangible, but when he sees the way Cas looks at Dean he knows he is witnessing one of the purest states of love.

They'll be at a diner in the break between hunts and Dean will spill his water on his lap. Sam will simply sit back and watch as his brother swears under his breath in a rush of murmurs. But what he really sees is the way Cas will tilt his head and smile with the smallest hidden upturn of his lips. It's like watching a feeling.

They'll be at the bunker getting ready for a hunt and Dean will go about cleaning his guns as he booms all his knowledge of the case ahead. Sam will pack his things into his duffel robotically as he watches the way Cas' eyes will soften just a tad every time Dean chuckles to himself over his own lame jokes.

They'll be in the middle of a hunt and Dean will be in some sort of danger. Sam will be ready to charge in to help his brother but will stop when he sees the pure panic that sends goosebumps over his own skin fury behind Cas' eyes as the fallen angel comes to Dean's rescue. It's like staring at everything life is supposed to be made of.

That's why Sam decided one day that he would show Dean the way his fallen angel looks at him.


"We need a vacation." Dean muttered under his breath as he set his beer bottle against the bruise slowly forming below his right eye. "Pronto."

Sam couldn't help but let out a snort. "Dude, let's not do this again."

"What are you talking about?" Green eyes squinted at Sam.

"You're always the one who complains that we need a vacation and the second our bags are packed you find a case that we just have to go check out. Every few weeks or so like clockwork." Sam stood from the kitchen table of the bunker and headed toward the fridge in his socked feet and lounge attire. "Just sleep for your four golden hours and you'll be good as new tomorrow."

Dean stuck out his bottom lip before taking a small sip of his beer. "I just need something, man. Anything."

"What do you mean?" Sam eyed his brother over the apple he had grabbed from a drawer in their fridge.

"I mean.." Dean let out a horrendous breath before letting his forehead fall flat on the table top. "I mean that I can't keep livin' like this. There's got to be more out there. I know that hunting is life... but sometimes I just wish there was something else I had. Something I haven't... experienced before."

"Right..." Sam wanted to understand, racking his brain to come up with what the hell his big brother was talking about, when his answer suddenly appeared in the kitchen with a seriously bad case of bedhead.

"Sam. Dean." Castiel's groggy voice seemed to shake the glass in the room from it's lowest pitch.

"Cas!" Dean's voice suddenly sounded lighter as if it had lost weight. "What's up, buddy?"

"The sky." The fallen angel grinned at his own joke as he sat across from Dean.

Sam watched his brother roll his eyes but then something happened. As Dean glanced down at his bottle, Castiel's eyes seemed to glow like they had when he was still full of Grace. Only this time they were of emotion and not Grace. Sam swallowed what felt like his heart that got caught in his throat before clearing his throat. The other two men looked up at him with their eyebrows raised.

"You know what? I forgot that I have something that I need to check. You two stay here and chat." Sam darted from the room before he could be bombarded by his weird behavior.

He made it to his room in a handful of long strides. When he shoved open his door he rooted around for his cellphone. After a couple minutes he slapped himself on the forehead and quickly jogged over to his nightstand to see his phone was where he left it, on the charger.

By the time he snuck on his tiptoes back to the kitchen doorway, he had his phone camera out and ready. Just as he planned, the two of them were still seated at the table. From where he was Sam had a perfect shot of Cas' eyes. Now it was only a matter of time and patience.


"So." Dean cleared his throat as he eyed over the halfeaten sandwich in front of him. "What's on your agenda for the day?"

"I was thinking of getting a haircut." Cas stated simply. "I do not want to grow out my 'mane' like Sam."

That got a snort from Dean. "I hear ya. Not many men can pull that look off."

"I concur." Castiel glanced around the room quickly before shifting slightly in his seat. "What is on your agenda?"

"Absolutely nothing. Just gonna chill. Drink some beers and hope these bruises heal quickly. It's not really that professional to have bruises when I'm trying to be a federal agent." Dean's eyes left Cas' again to stare at the condensation of his bottle. "Maybe we can watch a movie tonight-"

The sound of a camera snapping echoed through the kitchen. Cas and Dean both met each other eyes with confusion and intrigue. Then, before either of them could open their mouths to ask, Sam came barreling into the room with a proud smile on his face.

"Here." Without hesitance Sam thrusted his phone right under Dean's nose. "Look."

Castiel watched both the Winchesters with growing suspicion. Just as he was about to vocalize his interest, Dean's jaw fell slack as the color flushed his cheeks. "Dean?"

The older Winchester's eyes slowly rose to meet Cas' and in that moment it was like the entire world slightly tilted on it's axis. The image on Sam's phone was burned into the back of Dean's eyelids and he felt that if he blinked he would throw up from the emotion now churning in his gut.

"You-wait-Cas?" The words were short breaths that were starting to make Dean hyperventilate."

"Sam?" Cas glanced to Sam and searched his eyes for some type of explanation. "What is on your phone?"

"The truth." Sam stated with a shiteating grin. "I'm gonna go to my room and allow you two to discuss whatever it is might be on Dean's mind."

Dean didn't really process the sound of footsteps retreating. All he could see was the blue eyes that were now searching his with almost concerned curiosity. Blue eyes that were caught in a single time frame of life with the look of the most raw adoration Dean had ever seen before.

"Look at me like that now." Dean whispered, not really meaning to say it out loud more as if praying to God to see Cas look at him like that now so he would know for sure that it was real.

"Like what?" Cas' head tilted slightly. "I'm confused-"

"Like you were when I was looking at my beer." Dean swallowed thickly. "When I said we should watch a movie tonight."

Then it happened. As if everything just clicked and fit into the world like legos building onto each other. Dean watched with a heartbursting nausea as his fallen angel stared at him like he was the most wonderful thing to have ever happened to existence. Blue bore into his with a searing intensity that shook every wall Dean had built inside himself until he was left with nothing but rubble surrounding his heart.

"Cas." His voice was broken, coming out as a broken plea as his eyesight fogged over with tears. "Since when?"

"Since always, Dean." Castiel stood from his chair only to softly pad around the table and stand in front of Dean. "I never thought you would want to see the way I look at you."

Dean was on his feet before his conscience caught up with his actions. The words that next left his mouth he had been swallowing for years. "I love you, Cas. And if I would've known... I would've looked in your eyes with the same look I have when you aren't looking at me."

Castiel crushed their bodies into a hug that seemed to reshape every fiber in their bodies. Pressed against Dean's neck, Cas pressed his words there as if they'd stay embedded forever there, "I love you, too."


"Fucking finally." Sam smirked smugly as he pushed off of the kitchen door and started to waltz toward his room.

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