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Freckles. That's all Dean's eyes could settle on as his fingers lightly stretched out his skin over areas of his face where the annoying brown dots were the most prominent. There were no hunters he could think of ever meeting that had freckles. In Dean's mind, they were girlish. If he wasn't so adamant on being a tough guy, he might've looked into buying make up to cover them. Freckles didn't make him look like a man, they made him look like a dorky boy. He hated his freckles, and he hated even more when people pointed them out. If those goddamn freckles could just melt away Dean would be the happiest man on earth.

"Dean?" The gravelly voice echoed through the once empty house.

Dean let out a sigh as he let his fingers fall listlessly from his face. The reflection in the mirror didn't bring him any calmness, it only made him hate himself a little bit more. His father never had freckles, so why did he have to have them?

"Dean." Blue eyes met his in the reflection. Castiel leaned against the doorframe and smiled warmly at Dean, the way that melted Dean's hardened exterior. He was the only person who could ever make Dean feel alright.

"Hey, Cas."

The ex-angel lightly padded into the small bathroom and kept his eyes keenly on Dean's eyes. "What is wrong?"


"You can't lie to me, Dean." Cas' blue eyes searched Dean's with careful intent the way he always did when he sensed something wrong with his partner. "Tell me what is bothering you."

A brief sigh escaped Dean's lips as his eyes fluttered closed. He hated talking about himself, he hate even more spilling emotions and insecurities to people. Dean was the type of person who believed that people never listened, they only waited for their time to speak. But Cas was different, he always had been. His ears were always inviting when Dean felt himself drowning in his own self doubts.

"I just... I hate my face." Dean reddened immediately and felt like a teenage drama queen. "I mean-"

"You have the most handsome face I have ever seen." The words were soft but firm enough to convey the breathless truth. Before Dean could breath, gentle fingers danced along his cheek bones. "Sometimes I find myself lost when I look at you. When I know I should be focusing on something else, but your face just draws me in. Every time I close my eyes, I imagine you. You are my most brilliant dream." The fingers pressed a little firmer as they swept across his cheek.

Dean felt warmth seize up through his body. Every time Castiel got like this, where he confessed truly loving things to Dean, he thought he would combust. He drank every word from the ex-angel and felt his mind slowly stop agonizing over himself and truly like what was in his reflection.

"I love your freckles, especially." Cas whispered as if he had read Dean's mind and knew that those were his worst insecurity. "They remind me of a night sky, when I used to fly. When I first fell from heaven, flying is what I missed the most. I missed my wings, and the stars. But now, every time I look at your face and see those freckles, I don't miss a thing. They are my new stars, my new home. A whole universe spread out on your beautiful face. I wouldn't trade them in for my wings."

"I love you, Cas." Was all that Dean could say, what else could he say after that confession that left his heart thudding and his knees weak?

A short chuckle and then Dean could feel a pair of chapped lips brush across his nose. "I love you, too, Dean. And I love every single freckle." The lips moved and kissed delicately to every inch of Dean's face. It took a long time, but neither men cared. Castiel kissed away all the doubts, he kissed away every poison thought that ever ran through Dean's mind.

"You are so beautiful." Cas whispered when his lips fell away and he gripped tightly to his hunter's arms. "So beautiful."

Dean smirked and let his eyes peel open to stare into the infinitely adoring eyes of his angel. 

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