Fallen From Grace (Fluff, I guess)

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WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE. Anyway this was a prompt from one of my tumblr followers for a punkCas and a punkDean. It's short but not so sweet. Enjoy.

“Motherfucking shitface.” Castiel Novak swore under his breath as he stared at the wall in front of him. the wall was covered in ads and flyers for bands that he had never heard of. One of them struck him so he shot out his hand and grabbed it. Three months on this college campus and already he had attended more classes than he planned on. Only because he was fucking bored as hell and no one around seemed to have any of the same interests as him.

When he came to this university, he thought that life would become more unsheltered than his tiny small town upbringing. But he was sorely disappointed. Not one person in half of his classes even knew who the Ramones were. Castiel almost gave up on humanity altogether. So he decided to really punk himself out and just go for it.

Rebelliously, he got his hair but into a Mohawk, and when he gelled it came almost five inches from his head. Next step he died it black, to match his inner demons. He smirked when he told that to the stylist and she paled. Then he went out and got himself a tattoo of an Enochian text that he had found when he was little. It was a protection symbol from angels, which he thought was pretty badass. Then, on the very same day he got his lower lip and eyebrow pierced. Without the constraints of his small town, Castiel let himself truly like the man he saw in the mirror.

“Flying Monkey Shit.” Cas read one of the signs out loud and rolled his eyes. “Dear fucking God who are these stoners?” Then he looked back down at the flyer in his hand. This band was called Falling From Grace. It struck him because of his interest in the angelic world. That seed was planted when his father decided to name him after the angel of Thursday.

So he turned the heel of his faded and ripped black combat boots and started the trek back to his dorm. Cas’ roommate Gabriel had two classes today and wouldn’t be returning until later. The concert was at eleven only a couple blocks from the college grounds. Cas planned it out in his head as he got stares walking down the sidewalk. He would go home, shower, reapply eyeliner, pick out a comfortable concert outfit, have a couple beers, and then head off early to get a good spot and check out the guys.


“This is a twenty one and over bar.” A tall man in a stained suit scanned over Cas and blocked the door.

Castiel rolled his eyes as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his leather wallet. He flipped it open and held it out to the bouncer. In truth, Castiel was only nineteen, but he wasted no time in getting his own college warming gift, a fake I.D. The guard just sighed and moved to the left an inch. Castiel weaseled by and was hit with the profound scent of beer and vomit. He grinned from ear to ear as he shuffled in further and found himself in the sketchiest bar he had ever seen.

The walls were covered in half dangling band posters of no one famous enough to be on the radio. A couple of the lights were out above and so it was dim even for a bar. The people were crowded and Castiel felt himself instantly break out in a sweat.

“Fuck.” He muttered as he pushed his way past wet bodies toward the bar area. He had expected this place to be less crowded since the band wasn’t anyone he had heard of. And he always kept his ears open at the conversation of underground punk bands.

When he got closer to the bar, he locked eyes with the bartender, a cute little blonde with a low cut white button down. Cas wondered if that worked on a lot of guys. But he managed to shove his arm in and lean hard against the bar top.

When the bartender shifted closer and gave him a sweet smile, Cas had to shout to be heard. “Best draft you got, darling!”

She nodded before quickly making her way to the draft spigots. He watched her carefully as he pulled out a five from his pocket. It ought to cover it. When she came back and handed the cold glass mug to him, he traded for the five and then turned his back to her. His eyes scanned the room as he took his first bitter sip.

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