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ME: Let us go and have a look at needs and wants of a human.

NONA: Hurms.... Tak faham, elaborate please.

ME: Very easy my dear let me explain. On why is it so important for a young Transgender to go out and find friends at any occasions held by NGO like PT and Fdha. Slowly after mixing with some of them whom we thought being on the same boat, we will question ourselves. Don't you be surprised some people find out they are not a Transgender at all after a certain period of time. They just walk out and lead another kind of life.

Like it or not we will question ourselves while finding our path.

- apa aku mahu secara fizikal dan mental/what do I want physically and mentally

- aku pakai pompuan ni selesa atau tidak?/ Am I comfortable enough to dress up as a woman?

- nafsu aku bagaimana? How about my desire?

- pekerjaan dan kemahuan diri boleh selaras?/can I align easily my work and my needs?

- kenapa menjadi pekerja seks?/Why sex work?

- apa yang aku hambat dalam hidup?/what am I after in life?

- kehidupan macam mana aku pilih?/what kind of life I have chosen?

- adakah ianya menyumbang? atau memudaratkan?/is it contributing or not helping?

- betoi ka aku pakai pompan depa kata tak lengkap?/ is it true when I dressed up they said it's complete?

NONA: Perlukah lengkap?

ME: banyak elemen Nona. Lengkap itu subjektif. Apa itu lengkap? Apa itu kayu ukur lengkap? Siapa yang lengkap?

There are many elements. Complete is subjective. What is complete? What is the right instrument to mesure? Who is complete?

NONA: hmmm okay....

In that case mama, if that problem arises, why do we need to fight for female id?

kalau persoalan mcm tu ditimbulkan mengapa perlu ada perjuangan untuk mendapatkan hak mendapat kan kad pengenalan perempuan?

ME: back to needs and wants of a human Nona

NONA: okay

ME: Remember, human needs protection and security.

i am not sure about the fight for female id is still on,

mama tidak pasti berjuang mendapatkan ic pompan masih ada atau tidak.

Pejabat Pendaftaran pun ada sebab sebab mereka.

Registration Department have their own reasons.

Singapore took a very easy step.

Singapura mengambil jalan mudah

Thailand masih ketat. No Way for ts getting a female id. Adik adik di Malaysia kagum tanpa sempadan dengan negara Thailand, atas sebab sebab yang kita sendiri sedia maklum.

Malaysia, stop approving it since 89

Iran right after the incident of Mariam seeking for audience from Ayattollah.

Iran selepas kejadian Mariam menemui Ayatollah

Di katakan pula negara Iran itu negara Syiah, tidak boleh ditiru bulat bulat fatwanya.

NONA: Singapura kasi approval?

ME: Yes Singapore did it in silent (hush hush policy) to ensure life is easier. If you completed counselling in Singapore, you can do your SRS anywhere you prefer. Their registration on your id and sex will be arranged in a proper manner. That is Singapore.

Di Malaysia masih lagi ada kejadian kejadian tanpa belas terhadap Maknyah pastinya, TETAPI kita mahukan yang terbaik. Kita masih lagi boleh bernafas sekiranya berada dilandasan yang betul. Bekerja, berhibur, keluar bersantai TETAPI ada hadnya.

Kita juga sebagai maknyah harus tahu dan faham tahap mana kehidupan yang sedang kita tuju. Kepastian pada bentuk hidup jenis apa? Kebebasan gaya mana? Ruang apa yang kita mahu? Orang yang melihat dan menilai dalam banyak waktu terdedah dengan tatacara hidup negatif para Maknyah. Ini menjadikan banyak hal hal kebajikan maknyah lebih sukar.

Back to being feminine or not, that was our traditional mistake NONA, here in Malaysia a transsexual has to be feminine. Again, who said so?

At the end those real Transsexuals in Malaysia will be in LIMBO.

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