SOGIE (terms and explanation)

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Describes to whom a person is sexually attracted. Some people are attracted to people of a particular gender;

others are attracted to people of more than one gender. Some are not attracted to anyone.

Asexual - not sexually attracted to anyone and/or no desire to act on attraction to anyone. Does not

necessarily mean sexless. Asexual people sometimes do experience affectional (romantic) attraction.

Bisexual - attracted to people of one's own gender and people of other gender(s). Two common

misconceptions are that bisexual people are attracted to everyone and anyone, or that they just haven't

"decided." Often referred to as "bi." See also Pansexual/Fluid and Queer.

Gay - generally refers to a man who is attracted to men. Sometimes refers to all people who are attracted

to people of the same sex; sometimes "homosexual" is used for this also, although this term is seen by many

today as a medicalized term that should be retired from common use.

Lesbian - a woman who is attracted to women. Sometimes also or alternately "same-gender-loving

woman" or "woman loving woman." See also Gay.

Pansexual/Fluid - attracted to people regardless of gender. Sometimes also or alternately "omnisexual" or

"polysexual." See also Bisexual and Queer.

Questioning - one who may be unsure of, reconsidering, or chooses to hold off identifying their sexual

identity or gender expression or identity.

Queer - traditionally a derogatory term, yet reclaimed and appropriated by some LGBTQ individuals as a

term of self-identification. It is an umbrella term which embraces a matrix of sexual preferences, gender

expressions, and habits that are not of the heterosexual, heteronormative, or gender-binary majority. It is not

a universally accepted term by all members of the LGBT community, and it is often considered offensive

when used by heterosexuals.

Straight - attracted to people of the "opposite" sex (see below); also sometimes generally used to refer to

people whose sexualities are societally normative. Alternately referred to as "heterosexual."


The ways in which a person identifies and/or expresses their gender, including self-image, appearance, and

embodiment of gender roles. One's sex (e.g. male, female, intersex, etc.) is usually assigned at birth based on

one's physical biology. One's gender (e.g. male, female, genderqueer, etc.) is one's internal sense of self and

identity. One's gender expression (e.g. masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc.) is how one embodies gender

attributes, presentations, roles, and more.

Androgyny - The mixing of masculine and feminine gender expression or the lack of gender identification.

The terms androgyne, agender, and neutrois are sometimes used by people who identify as genderless,

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