A Crush as Big as Middle Earth (Frodo)

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Frodo looked up from his book. He was sitting in a comfortable chair in his comfortable hobbit hole, simply reading a book about herb identification. He loved to read and learn, to find out things he never even knew existed. But today was the day he discovered something that all his books could not explain.

Young love.

(Y/n) was the most attractive girl hobbit in the whole Shire. Not just to Frodo, mind you, to pretty much everyone. Although (y/n) would always deny that fact (she had a bit of a complex), even she at times could not ignore her own reflection, even if it was a small smile, and then a disgusted sneer at her own reflection, which would usually produce a laugh.

Still, this odd feeling inside of young Mister Frodo was unsettling. Every time he caught a glimpse of her in the market, or in her garden, or even if they happened to talk together, he would suddenly feel as if he had fallen ill. His face would become hot, his hands would turn clammy, and his stomach would buzz with anxiety. He couldn't say one simple sentence without a stupid stutter (try saying that nine times fast), which would lead to (y/n) giggling, which would lead to Frodo blushing even more.

So here he was, sitting in a comfortable chair in his comfortable hobbit hole, simply reading a book about herb indentification. He had given up on reasearching this feeling, and decided to let it lead and see where it took him.

Little did he know that this would be his greatest adventure yet.

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