Flower, Gleam and Glow (Kili x Magical!Reader)

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You had been enlisted in the Company of Thorin Oakenshield from the beginning of the whole journey, Gandalf having insisted that you were a valuable asset, seeing as you were a healer of sorts.

See, you weren't just a healer. You were born with a special talent. Your hair had a magical healing property; you could heal practically anything simply by singing the song that awakens the magic in your hair and heals whatever illness or wound it is touching.

Although the dwarves did not know this. They simply thought you to be a plain healer, as Gandalf had described.

So when Kili was lying on Bard's table, injured and poisoned, you were the first person the dwarves turned to.

"Can you help him, lassie?" Bofur asked frantically, Oin joining in the worried bunch.

"Do you have the skills to heal him?" the grizzly old dwarf asked, his trumped rooted into his deaf ear.

You nodded confidently. "I do," was all you said, and you strode towards the table.

One of your unique qualities was your long hair (which of course was your source of healing power, but the dwarves did not know that), something the company had noticed and complimented you on. They must've seen it as attractive.

As you neared Kili, you swallowed nervously. What would the others say? How would they react? Would they fear you or throw you out for being so different?

None of that mattered now. Right now you had to save Kili's life.

You firmly grasped Kili's injured thigh in your hands and raised it, wrapping your blonde hair around it.

"Oi! What're you doin'?!" Bofur cried, beginning to run forward, but Oin stopped him.

"Lad," the old dwarf confided as you continued to wrap your long hair around Kili's thigh, "I have had a feeling about her from the beginning. She knows what she is doing."

When you felt you had enough hair in contact with the prince's wound, you took a breath, and began to sing.


Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

The dwarves and Bard's children alike had all begun to stare at you. Your hair was beginning to work its magic; it was glowing. Starting from the roots and running down through your golden strands like a waterfall of magic.

As you sang the next verse, the healing magic began to wind around Kili's thigh, following the hair you had wrapped around him.

Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine~

Kili was now wide awake and alert, and gently pulled your hair off of his leg.

He nearly screamed at what he saw.


No wound. No blood. No infection. Not even a scar. No one would have ever known that he had been on the brink of death.

"Look!" he finally cried out. "It's gone! I'm healed!!"

You grinned at his joyousness, and before you could react, he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into a kiss.

It didn't last too long before Kili broke it apart. "Thank you," he said quietly, gratefully.

"It was my pleasure," you smiled at him, and leaned in to kiss him once more.

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