It'll All Be Worth It (Kili)

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For @Avengerbrat14 , I hope this is what you're looking for 😁


Being pregnant wasn't easy. There were endless aches and pains, countless mornings filled with nausea, and old dwarrowdams telling you their horrific experiences with pregnancy and labor, as if it would aid you in some way.

But by far the worst thing about being pregnant was how long it actually took. Luckily, time was almost up, and the baby would be here any day now.

You were sitting in your favorite chair by your desk, wondering exactly how Kili, your husband, would handle the upcoming diaper dilemma, when you felt your water break. Along with a gasp from you, the liquid ran down your legs and wet your skirt.

Then came the pain. The indescribable, unimaginable, unfathomable pain. It came in waves, waxing and waning. It would be quite tolerable, and then so bad that it would have you screaming at the top of your lungs.

You attracted the panicked attention of several guards, two of whom immediately fetched a royal healer.

A few minutes later, you were laying in a particular position on your bed, the healers and midwives ready for the baby to come out.

You were sweaty, your hair stuck to your face, and you occasionally let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain.

"KILI!!!" you screeched, desperately needing your husband by your side. "SOMEONE GET KILI!!!!" At this, a guard ran off to fetch the prince.

Not three minutes later, your husband arrived in the room, and he immediately rushed to your side, a mixture of anxiety and joy filling his eyes. He stayed there, encouraging you as you worked so hard to push the infant out of your body.

>>>four hours later<<<

You held the little bundle of blankets in your arms, simultaneously laughing and crying as you gazed upon your newborn son's chubby face.

"He's so perfect," Kili choked through his tears of joy. He stroked his son's cheek and kissed his forehead, then turned to kiss your lips gently. "So are you, amrâlimê."

Sorry this took so long, I hope you liked it!

Also, what do think your son's name should've been? Let me know in the comment section below!!

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