Impersonations (Thranduil x Elleth!Reader)

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You and Thranduil had been married for a little over 300 years, and you were sure you'd never ever be happier than you were now.

But for now, you were bored. Your husband was stuck in yet another meeting, and wouldn't be finished for at least another few hours, if all went smoothly (which it usually didn't, elves can be just as stubborn as dwarves).

As you wandered every hall, aside from the discussion room where King Thranduil of Mirkwood was currently residing, you stumbled across the all too familiar throne room.

Grinning slyly, you decided to have a little fun today before Thranduil was free.

You climbed the dais and swiftly dropped into his regal throne, keeping your back stiff like your husband always did. You planted a frown on your face and gazed down your nose at an imaginary elf before you.

"Why are you here?" you asked in your most prestigious, Thranduil-like voice. You walked off the dais and held your head ridiculously high, and narrowed your eyes at the air in front of you.

"I will have you know I am the King of Mirkwood..PEASANT," you spat and closed your eyes, quite a good impersonation of your prejudicial husband, "and I am so beautiful that I need not waste my time on the likes of you."

Before you could continue to insult the imaginary elf in front of you, the elf clapped.

"Excellent performance, melleth nin!" the elf proclaimed, and your eyes snapped open in surprise. Standing before you, seemingly out of thin air, was your husband, King Thranduil. "But it's all missing one major detail," he continued in a playful tone, striding closer to you on regal footsteps.

As soon as he approached you, he took off his crown, made of twigs and adorned with berries and leaves, and placed it carefully upon your head, letting it beautifully frame your (h/c) hair. "There," he whispered, his lips mere inches from yours. "Perfect."

You could not stand being apart from him any longer, and closed the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips to his.

When he pulled away, you frowned, but your playful grin soon returned when you saw Thranduil was staring at your slightly protruding stomach with adoration. "You will be a great father, Thranduil," you murmured.

He smiled back at you, a true, rare, joyful one, and pulled you into a soft hug. "I can only hope so. But I know that no matter what may come, you will be there for him. You will be the best mother he could ever wish to have."

"He?" you inquired with a slight smirk.

Your husband shrugged. "I have a feeling it is a young ellon that is growing inside of you, melleth."

Your smile only grew. "Maybe you are right."

For PirateElfGirl , so so sorry this took so long! I hope it's what you wanted!!!

I need to seriously brush up on my Elvish... I know like three words..

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