Come Back (Fili)

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You and Fili had grown up together, playing and laughing as a pair since you could walk. But when you grew older, your father decided to cart the family off to the next town over. He had found a better job there as a jeweler, and so you had to leave your friend..who you suspected you fancied a bit more than you'd like to let on.

One day, a sturdy knock came to your even sturdier front door. You skipped over in confusion and opened the wooden slab a crack. "Who is it?" you called cautiously.

"Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. May I come in, (y/n)?"

You swung open the door so hard it might've flown clean off its hinges, and were met with the familiar sight of Thorin Oakenshield. "Hello, Thorin!" you yelled joyfully, and engulfed his muscular torso in a strong hug. He returned the embrace with a chuckle, and planted a firm kiss on your (h/c) hair. He had always liked you, and he had been suspecting for a while now that you and Fili would soon be courting.

You pulled away suddenly, a question on your mind. "What brings you all the way out here, Master Thorin?"

"I am gathering dwarves to join me in a quest to reclaim Erebor," he explained with a grim smile, "and I was hoping you would be willing to come along as well."

You were shocked to say the least. Excited? Yes. Honered? Absolutely! Confused? More than anything...

"Why me?" you asked. "I am a dwarrowdam, one of the few hundred left of us. Why would you risk bringing me along?"

Thorin only smirked at this. "Oh, (y/n). You and I both know that you can take care of yourself. Besides, there will be some there that you care for. One in particular..." he trailed off, leaving you to fit the pieces together, like trying to fix a broken clock. Wait..he couldn't mean...

Your eyes grew wide at your conclusion. "Fili and Kili are coming?"

Thorin nodded, laughing at your face, and clapped a strong hand on your shoulder. "They shall be tagging along, and I know they would give everything to have you by their side. Will you follow me on this quest, (y/n)?"

You eagerly nodded, a joyful grin gracing your lovely features. "I was glad to from the beginning, sire, but I have even more of a reason to join you."

For EleanorLearn , sorry I changed it up just a bit. Also sorry everything has been taking so long. I just got back from sunny Florida yesternight 🌴☀️🔥🔥🔥(fire emojis because that's what it feels like...also because my sunburn is on fire..)

Thank you everyone!!
Have a good night!

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