Wounded (Fili x Kili {NOT DURINCEST})

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This is just a sibling shot. Enjoy~


"Oin!!" Kili screamed as he dragged his elder brother into Erebor's infirmary. "Fili is wounded!!"

The old healer dwarf ran as fast as he could to assist Kili in sitting Fili down on a stool. Since Kili had the better eyesight, he took his belt dagger and carefully cut Fili's tunic open down the back where he was wounded, to take it off easier and without causing Fili much more pain.

"What happened, exactly, lad?" Oin asked hurriedly as he grabbed towels and submerged them in hot water.

"We were in the trees, hunting," Kili explained. "Hunting for boars. When we spotted one he lost his balance and fell, and the boar got to him before I could. But I shot it," he spat with venom in his voice.

Oin nodded as he pressed the wet towel to Fili's back, eliciting a scream of pain from the eldest prince. Both of the other dwarves present winced, and Kili grabbed his brother's hands to comfort him. Oin continued to wipe and dab off the blood from Fili's oozing wounds, and slowly he became somewhat accustomed to the pain.

"You're going to be all right, brother," Kili assured Fili quietly as Oin attempted to stitch up the gaping wound in his back. Fili groaned and squeaked as the needle was pushed through his skin again and again, all the while Kili comforting his brother with a few meaningful words and squeezes of the hand.

After a while, Fili was all patched up, and lying on his stomach in his feather bed. "Just don't let (Y/n) in here while I am in such a condition," the eldest prince begged his younger brother, referring to his consort. "She can't see me like this."

Kili nodded solemnly, and after a goodbye left to tell Fili's One of his condition, and that he must be let alone for a few days at least.

This will not be easy, he thought to himself.


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