Faith, Trust, and What?! (Thorin x Faerie!Reader) (Part 1)

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Gandalf led Thorin, Bilbo, and the rest of the company through a dense part of the forest they were trekking through on their way to reaching Erebor. As the old wizard smacked bushes and other tangled plants out of his path with his wooden staff, Thorin spoke up from directly behind him.

"Where are you taking us, Gandalf?"

Gandalf looked behind him to face the king under the mountain. "I am taking us to someone who can help restore our food supply and provide us shelter, Thorin Oakenshield," he said with a knowing smile underneath his bushy grey mustache and beard.

"This is not the way to Erebor," the stubborn dwarf king insisted, even though he knew what Gandalf said was true. The entire company hadn't eaten in nearly two days.

"Trust me, Thorin. I know what I am doing, and it is the best for this company," Gandalf replied without turning this time, continuing to hack away at the underbrush that attempted to deter them from the path. "Besides," he continued, "we will be meeting someone whom I have not seen in quite a long time."

Thorin raised an eyebrow, now more skeptical than ever of the wizard's actions. "Who?"

Gandalf did not bother to reply, for they had finally broken through the unrelenting forestry, and emerged into a large clearing. Luscious green grass carpeted the ground, and brightly colored, aromatic flowers heavily perfumed the air and blossomed in rows near a small cottage. Butterflies of all shapes, sizes, and colors floated around lazily, as if in a happy drunken stupor. Birds nested in branches and clung to twigs in bushes, singing their songs to each other gleefully.

"What is this place?" Dwalin asked in awe, as the entire company was now standing in the clearing along with Gandalf and Thorin.

Gandalf smiled. "This is Elįthia, or tranquil place in our host's native tongue."

"And who is our host?" inquired Gloin cautiously.

Before the wizard had a chance to reply, the worn wooden door of the cottage groaned as it was slowly coaxed open. A blur of color erupted from the doorway and flew straight towards Gandalf, attatching itself to him.

At first, Thorin had thought it was a bird or something of that nature. After all, what else that large can fly?

But once Thorin stared for a moment longer, he discovered to his absolute shock that it was...a girl.

"Hello, Gandalf! Hello, hello!" the girl chirped, obviously joyous at seeing the old wizard again. She pulled away from her embrace with her friend, but her petite feet never met the ground. Instead, she remained hovering in the air, suspended by the two pairs of wings on her back. All four of her wings flared out from her back, silvery and light looking, like wispy ghosts. (The photo reference is only for the wings)

Her wings fluttered very quickly, and sparkled with golden specks of light

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Her wings fluttered very quickly, and sparkled with golden specks of light. Her hair also shone with the golden dust, and some specks even graced her heart-shaped face and arms. Her bright green eyes scanned the company of dwarves, and then grew wide in fright. She had met dwarves before, back when she and her kin had lived in a solitary part of the Blue Mountains, but they had been very rough with her, demanding they leave, for this was their land. So now she lived here, hoping to never again see a dwarf.

But here she was, staring back at 13 of them.

Thorin and Gandalf noticed her expression changing from glee in seeing Gandalf to terror in seeing the dwarves, and Gandalf spoke up.

"There is no need to be afraid, (y/n). This is Thorin Oakenshield, the next king under the mountain. We mean you no harm, we only came because we are in dire need of your aid." The wizard smiled comfortingly, and (y/n)'s muscles relaxed, and she lowered herself to the ground. Her bright purple dress looked like it was made of a giant flower petal, and it very well complimented her long wavy brown hair. Well, normally it was long, today she had it pinned up and braided in all sorts of ways, intricate and delicate like her. Her dress went down to her knees, and came up to somewhat of a sweetheart neckline, gracing the skin below her collarbone. In her deep brown locks she wore a couple small sprigs of lavender, which gave off a beautiful aroma around her.

"Hello," she said quietly, although her silky voice flowed through the air and over the tired, hungry men like oil. "My name is (y/n), and I am a faerie of the nature guild." She offered the group a stunning smile and spread her arms as she alighted into the air once more. "Welcome to Elithia."

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