Now You're Stuck With Me! (Fili)

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Lol Fili's face tho 'whatcha gonna do lol'

For EleanorLearn love your new profile pic btw 😉


You peeked around the wide berth of the oak tree you were using as a hiding spot, the setting sun casting long shadows behind you. You had been following the Company of Thorin Oakenshield ever since they had left the Blue Mountains to pick up Master Baggins in the Shire. To be honest, it was quite annoying, backtracking a bit like that, but it was worth it to be near your One, Fili.

Who, of course, had told you to stay safe in the Blue Mountains with your family. So what did you do?

Not that.

You justified it by telling yourself that Fili missed you too, so he'd be happy to see you.

Just as you were pondering how you would go about stealing some of their food, you noticed the sky was getting darker rapidly. You looked up in confusion, only to have a huge raindrop fall into your right eye.

"Agh!" you exclaimed, and rubbed your eye frantically, momentarily forgetting that stealth required silence.

As the dwarves were chatting and laughing amongst themselves, they did not hear your little outburst, but one dwarf with keen ears perked up, looking straight in your direction, unbeknownst to you.

As the rain began to fall, Nori quietly snuck up behind you, carefully, like you were a doe that might be startled at any moment. While you were inspecting your previously blurred vision with your back turned to the camp of the Company, Nori grabbed your arm, surprising and eliciting another yelp from you.

He dragged you into the clearing where the rest of the dwarves had made camp, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"(Y/n)!" Thorin shouted as he approached the two of you. "What in Mahal's name do you think you are doing?"

"Caught 'er snooping around the camp," Nori said, roughly letting you go.

You regained your footing, shooting Nori a glare and running a hand through your now wet hair. "I was following, not snooping, Nori. And I only did it because I couldn't bear to be away from Fili."

Thorin opened his mouth, about to rebuke you again, when Fili stepped in between the two of you.

"It's alright, Uncle. Just let her stay with us, I'll protect her, I promise. It'll be part of the courting process," he reasoned. He was right, too. Showing your consort you could protect her was but a small fraction of the dwarvish courting process.

Thorin pondered this for a moment, as he seemed to ponder all things, and finally nodded. "As long as you feel you can look after her, Fili. Do not let her become a distraction or nuisance."

Fili nodded in thanks, but you glared at Thorin. "I'm standing right here."

Soon the Company settled down for dinner in the lightly sprinkling rain, and you started to shiver, pulling your thin cloak tighter about your shoulders. Fili noticed this immediately, and draped his heavy fur coat over you, warming you up in a heartbeat.

"Mmmmhhh," you hummed in pleasure. "Thank you, love."

"You're welcome," Fili responded, and pulled you into a hug.

Now you not only felt warm from the blond prince's coat, but also from your embrace.

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