There For Each Other (Kili x Hobbit!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn ...I hope this works out like I have it in my head 😂

You are Bilbo's niece


You watched with wide, scared eyes as Tauriel healed Kili. She would chant in elvish as she pressed the mixture of water and ground Kingsfoil into the dwarf prince's festering arrow wound, effectively drawing out the poison and bringing Kili's mind back to earth.

When Tauriel finished, she went to dab Kili's forehead with a cold, wet rag, but you beat her to it, snatching it from her hand and moved closer to your suitor, wordlessly telling the she-elf to back off your man.

Carefully wiping away the sweat from Kili's pink face, you gently kissed his stubbly cheek, letting your lips linger as you silently thanked Mahal for saving him. Kili groggily opened his eyes and began to talk, blathering on and on about how much he loved you, and you just smiled and whispered comforting things to him to soothe him.

>>>timeskip to Smaug attacking Laketown<<<

You sat in the little boat, squished between Bain and Kili, hoping and praying the dragon wouldn't see you trying to escape.

As Kili yelled and claimed he saw Bard the bowman hit his mark on Smaug, you noticed Bain staring off into the distance at something, and you instantly knew he was hatching a plan.

"Bain-" you began to warn him, but he interrupted you, turning to face you.

"Will you come with me?" he whispered above the cries of horror and agony outside of the boat. "We can take the last black arrow to my father and he can kill the beast." His brown eyes practically begged you to assist him, and reluctantly you nodded.

"Okay, lead the way."

With a smug look of determination, Bain reached up to grab a hook that hung just above their heads, and you quickly wrapped your arms about his waist, clinging to him for dear life as he swung over the water and to the deck a few yards away. Ignoring the protests, pleads, and cries coming from the boat (mostly from Kili), the two of you made your way for the hidden black arrow.

>>>timeskip to after Smaug is shot<<<

As Smaug came barreling towards the bell tower on which you, Bard, and Bain were perched, you felt the fear of impending doom finally sinking into the pit of your stomach. Smaug was going to die, that much was obvious. No one could survive a black arrow to the heart. But would the three of you survive the impact of him crashing into the bell tower? If you did, what about where you would land? Everything beneath you was water, and hobbits can't swim.

You were doomed.

>>>timeskip to after Laketown is destroyed<<<

The boat full of dwarves, humans, and an elf finally hit the rocky shores of the next body of land over, and Kili immediately went to searching the mourning throngs, looking for the slightest glimpse of you, the tiny flame of hope in his heart only dwindling.

Just as he was about to give up, with tears welling up in his eyes, Kili spotted a small figure washed up onto the shoreline a dozen or so yards away. At first he thought nothing of it, figuring it was merely another casualty from the dragon's attack, but it was then he recognized the hair. Kili had always loved your long curly (h/c) hair, constantly stroking it and putting in little braids here and there, even though the two of you had not begun courting yet.

Now your hair lay splayed out all around your head, soaking wet just like the rest of you, but it caught his attention nonetheless.

With a desperate cry Kili pushed through the crowds and masses, running full speed towards you and finally collapsing to his knees at your side.

"(Y/n)?!" he cried frantically as he rolled your body over, and screamed to see your eyes limply shut, your cheeks and lips blue, and your mouth slightly open. The dwarf prince held a shaky hand over your mouth to feel for breath, but sensed nothing. He pressed his ear against your chest to listen for a heartbeat, but found that nothing sounded within your ribcage, nearly sending him into hysterics. As rivers of tears ran down his smoke-marked face, he pumped his hands over your heart, desperately attempting to get it to beat on its own again.

He checked once more for a heartbeat, but there was still nothing, so he pressed his mouth on yours, breathing as hard as he could a few times to get air in your lungs. "Come on, ghivashel, come on!" he gritted his teeth and bit back the tears that threatened to fall past his dark lashes, and continued to push his clasped hands over and over on your heart in a steady rhythm. He repeated the life-saving steps a few more times, allowing your name to leave his lips in a scream as he tried with his whole being to bring you back.

Suddenly you coughed, lake water spewing out of your mouth, and Kili dodged the spray, helping you sit up as quickly as he could. You retched over and over again, your body determined to rid itself of the foreign substance. You couldn't think, nor comprehend the fact that Kili was sobbing hysterically beside you, rubbing your back in circles, nor that Bofur, Fili, and Oin were standing nearby with relieved and joyful tears in their eyes. You only cared about drying out your lungs.

After 10 minutes or so, your heavy breathing regulated, and you turned to see Kili with half-dried, sticky tears on his cheeks, his eyes red from crying and stress, smiling at you.

You smiled back weakly, and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, my love," you said sincerely, knowing that he was the one who had brought you back to life.

Kili sniffed, tears springing anew into his eyes. "It was my absolute pleasure to resurrect you, my gorgeous girl," he whispered. "Oh, you have no idea how scared I was. I thought you were going to leave me forever."

You gave a small laugh, "Oh please, it's going to take a little more than some water to kill me."

Kili laughed, and scooted closer to you. He gently cupped your face in his large hands, stroking the apples of your cheeks with his calloused thumbs and gazing lovingly into your (e/c) eyes. "Men lananubuhks, ghivashel," he murmured in a low voice, leaning closer. But before you had the chance to answer, his lips were on yours, warming them instantly. Your eyes rolled back into your head in bliss, and you gently kissed your love back.

Kili poured out every ounce of his love for you into that kiss, holding you so close to him that you were nearly one being; you could feel his eyelashes tickle your cheek and the sting of his cold nose against your blushing skin. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him nearer, and tried not to giggle as his stubble tickled you. Eventually the two of you had to pull away for air, which you seemed to need more of as of recent incidents, and as Fili insisted on the two of you boarding the boat immediately, Kili picked you up bridal style and carried you to the vessel, setting you down gently and telling you not to move.

He helped you hike up the mountain with the rest of you, more than happy to let you lean against him when you got tired (you had been through a lot lately), and held your hand when you began to stumble, stabilizing you and reassuring your feet and balance. He didn't let you go the whole trip, not until he went to see his uncle in the treasure hoard of Thror.

Eventually he would be thanking you profusely, as you went to save the entire line of Durin at the battle of the five armies.

You and Kili were married soon after the battle was won, and the kiss you two shared then was somehow even sweeter than the one you shared after he saved your life on that rocky shore so long ago.

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