A Royal Pain (Thorin)

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(Y/n) flopped onto the soft, fluffy mattress of her bed, glad that her busy day of being queen was over. She had been awake since before the break of dawn; on the other hand Thorin, her husband, had been up even earlier—and had gone to sleep quite late the night before. For a while, (Y/n) had wondered how he'd been able to do it; getting little to no sleep and then ruling the entire kingdom of Erebor all day...and into most of the night. Pretty soon she realized that he wasn't able to do it, and that he really needed some rest and relaxation.

The problem with this was that Thorin Oakenshield was an especially stubborn dwarf, never admitting he needed help—or taking a break from ruling Erebor for a few days so that he could restore his energy.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door suddenly opened, the hinges creaking and moaning against the heavy wood in protest. Twisting from her position on the bed, she saw that the visitor was none other than the King of Erebor himself.

"Hello, love!" she called, going back to the novel she'd been working through. "How was your meeting?"

A long groan was her answer, and she bit her lip in order to hold back a giggle. "Is that so?"

"You would not believe how idiotic the traders from the North are, my love," Thorin said from the opposite side of the room as he pulled off his heavy boots and shed his cape. "I cannot make even one proposition before one of them has to speak up and make a complete fool of themselves."

"I'm sure it's atrocious, dearest," she empathized, understanding exactly how stupid some of the representatives and traders could be. (Y/N) dealt with the trading of jewels, fabrics, clothes, and most household items, as assigned to her by her husband. "But you seem to always keep your frustration well hidden."

A small smile flitted across Thorin's face before turning to a more serious look, his eyes slowly moving towards his wife. He gazed lovingly at her as she read her novel, little grins occasionally gracing her beautiful features. He wondered for possibly the millionth time how he'd managed to persuade her to become his wife. 

The King Under the Mountain was snapped out of his thoughts when (Y/N) looked up and made eye contact with him, her lips twisted into a playful smirk.

"And what are you staring at, my love?" she teased. 

Thorin broke into a wide grin and strode to the bedside, where he stood by his wife, stroking her hair absentmindedly. "Only the most beautiful creature Erebor has ever had the pleasure to house," he murmured, bending down to kiss (Y/N) on the forehead, and she smiled, her cheeks tinted pink with blush. "Will you be ready for supper soon, my One?"

(Y/N) nodded and turned to the next page in her book. "I'm ready now if you are."

Thorin smiled and straightened, brushing a stray black lock from his face. "Let me just put my boots on and we may go." (Y/N) answered with a nod, and Thorin quickly prepared himself for the royal meal. 

The day was finished with a calm aura, a cadence of serenity and tranquility. The vibrant, beating hearts of the king and queen, both of whom would do anything for the other.

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