Crush (Bofur)

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You let out a high-pitched sigh as you stared at Bofur from across the banquet table.

Erebor had been reclaimed, rebuilt, and reestablished. Thorin had been crowned king, Fili was now the crown prince, next in line, and Kili was merely happy to be alive and with his ghivashel Tauriel.

As glad as you were that all this had successfully transpired, you were even happier about a certain fact, a certain someone: Bofur.

Oh, how you adored that dwarf. The accent, the braids, the silly songs, the witty remarks, the stupidly funny jokes. Whenever he was around, you just couldn't help but snatch up that hat and plop it onto your head in triumph. You could stare into those deep, fathomless eyes for an eternity. You were quite obsessed.

But did he fancy you as well? That was the true question.

Oh, you hoped so. With all your heart you did! But you were sure, positive, in fact, that he did not return your feelings. You were sure he hated you.

All your friends assured you that he didn't, and deep down you knew that him hating you was a lie. But then again, how did you know for sure that he didn't? Sure, you two would watch fighting matches in the market of Dale. Sure, you two would play sports every now and then.

But how could you possibly expect him to fancy you?! There were soooooo many more dams for him to fall in love with; you felt like a lost cause.

So, with a sad frown on your lips and a familiar tugging on your heartstrings, one that plucked a melancholic melody of despair, you turned back to your plate of food, determined to never look at him the same way again.

Even though you knew that was a promise that would be broken.

So yeah I have a crush on this guy at college but I'm sure he doesn't like me back idk what to think or do!!!!!!😫😫😫😫😩😩😩😩
I'm beyond confused...

Yeah so I put my actual feelings and thoughts into this part. Sorry it's so short, and that I haven't written in forever. School. You know.

Anyway, thanks for reading, have a good one💙💙💙


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