Ready or Not, Here I Come! (Young!Frodo x Young!Reader)

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(Y/n), an adorable little hobbit girl, ran up to Bilbo Baggins' front door, panting excitedly. She and Frodo had been good friends for a year now, and she absolutely adored him. Not in a lovey-dovey way, they were both at the rosy age of just 9 years. It was however a beautiful, blooming friendship; they would stop at nothing to spend all day playing with each other.

(Y/n) knocked rapidly on the round, bright green door of the Baggins residence. "Hello? Mister Bilbo?" She rocked back and forth on her heels anxiously. What if Frodo wasn't home?

"Oi, is that you, little Miss (y/n)?" she heard a voice inside say. Mister Baggins!

"Yes!" she excitedly responded. "Is Frodo home?"

Bilbo opened the front door, and smiled down at (y/n). "He is indeed! Frodo!" he yelled, turning around to face the tubular hallway. "Your friend (y/n) is here to play!"

"(Y/n)?!" little Frodo exclaimed ecstatically, running to the door. As soon as he spotted his best friend, he engulfed her in a hug. "It's so good to see you, (y/n)!!"

(Y/n) laughed. "It's good to see you too! Do you want to play?" she asked as she pulled away and smiled at Frodo.

He nodded vigorously. "Yes! Let's play hide and go seek!"

(Y/n) gasped, her eyes filled to the brim with pure ecstasy. "Oh yes, let's!!"

As young (y/n) and Frodo ran off together, hand in hand, Bilbo watched them from the doorway, sighing happily. "One day.." he smiled to himself.

This was for MostFandoms , I'm sorry it's so short!! Hope you liked it though..

Thanks for the reads, request, and see ya soon!

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now