Mine! (Kili)

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You crouched behind the prickly underbrush that covered the forest floor in patches, waiting for the pheasant you had spotted in a tree to once again make its appearance. You held your breath as you saw a few leaves rustle, and slowly draw back the string of your bow, an arrow nocked and ready.

The little brown bird fluttered back into sight, abruptly, as if it were startled by something. You were a bit perplexed, but aimed and let go of the arrow just the same. It hit the pheasant right in the middle of its breast, and fell to the ground with a squawk of surprise.

You walked towards your small prize, a grin on your face and your hand outstretched, when you paused, noticing two things. 1) There was..another arrow embedded there, 2) there was another hand reaching for the bird.

Your smile disappeared and your head snapped up to see who had gotten so close to you without your notice.

You were met with a sight that made you blush: a dashing young man, with long, dark hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Who are you?" you both asked simultaneously.

The young man chuckled, and you smirked. "I am (y/n)," you introduced yourself.

"And I am Kili," he followed suit, sending a boyish smile and wink your way. "Well, I hate to leave behind a lovely lady such as yourself, but I must be taking my game here and leave." Kili grabbed the dead pheasant and turned to walk away.

You were so stunned you couldn't say a thing, you couldn't even move. How could he think that was his game, when you had obviously been the one to shoot it?!

"Um, excuse me," you stuttered, "but that bird is mine!"

Kili looked back at you with a look of disbelief, then to the pheasant, then back to you. "How is this yours?" he asked incredulously.

"Because I shot it, that's why! It's mine!" You walked up to him and snatched the bird from his hand, holding it close to you.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's mine," Kili retorted with a snort. He took the pheasant back from you and turned to leave again.

You were the embodiment of white-hot rage at this point. Grabbing Kili's arm and yanking him towards you, you took the pheasant back. "It's mine and that's final!!"

"It's mine!" Kili yelled and tackled you to the ground, taking you by surprise.

After a few minutes of shouting, pulling each other's hair, and rolling around on the forest floor, he twisted himself so that he laid on top of you, holding your arms down. It would have been awkward if you hadn't been so angry.

"Pinned ya!" he cried in victory.

Your lips twisted into a frown and you rolled over, flipping yourself to pin him down instead. "Ha!" you grinned, the pheasant forgotten. Before you could do anything else however, Kili rolled over as you had, now on top of you again.

"Pinned ya again," he sneered, and opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off by a shout in the distance.

"Kili!" the voice sounded from across the small clearing, clearly angry or distressed in some way. "What are you doing?!"

Kili turned his head towards the voice, not moving off of you. "Nothing."

The other man, who had come into view and you could now see had long blond hair and braids, and a braided mustache, grabbed Kili's tunic collar and hoisted him off of you. "Kili, what are you thinking? Fighting a woman?! Amad raised you better than this!!"

You hauled yourself to your feet, a bit sore, and grabbed your game before either of the men had a chance to. "And who are you, exactly?" you asked the new arrival.

He looked your way, never letting go of Kili's shirt. "I am Fili, Kili's elder brother. I am very sorry for how he treated you. Are you okay, miss...uh..?"

"(Y/n), and I'm fine, thank you," you nodded.

"What are you doing all the way out here, in the middle of nowhere?" he asked you, confused.

You raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing in the middle of nowhere?" you countered cockily.

Fili smirked, as did Kili, even though he was hanging from his brother's fistful of his own collar. "We are on a quest with some of our kin. Would you like to join us for supper? As an apology?"

You shrugged and held up your pheasant. "Might as well, I have this to contribute."

Fili smiled. "We'd be glad to have you, Miss (y/n)."

You were still put off by Kili's earlier actions for a few days, but you grew to like him, and then you grew to love him. Eventually, by the time the kingdom of Erebor was won and restored (you decided to stick with them), you two were married happily.

For EleanorLearn 💙I tried to dedicate this to you on my laptop, but it's not showing up on my iPod here...idk why...
Anyway, hope you liked it😁sorry it's so late

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