Prince GrumpyPants (Thorin)

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This will be short. Just something I thought of while trying to sleep last night.
Requests are being worked on!!!
Thank you all!💙💙
This is dedicated to bettythedwarfqueen just cuz I feel like it.😉 and cuz she's awesome!


You glanced over at your husband, King Thorin, as he sat brooding in his chair. He was sitting at the head of the meeting table (your seat directly next to his), trying to hold back his frustration at the madness that the representative of Dale was spewing out.

You felt sorry for Thorin, knowing that he had to sit through this kind of rubbish nearly every single day. You only had to come to certain meetings, and since this one concerned the trading of clothing, fabrics and silks, and fine jewelry with the rebuilt Esgaroth, Thorin thought you'd like to listen in and possibly voice your own opinions.

You were honestly extremely bored, but it was sweet of Thorin to think of you. Although you were pretty sure he only did it because he wanted you with him for once...which was still sweet.

All in all, you didn't mind having to sit through this bore of a meeting, even if your backside was almost numb and your back was sore from sitting for so long (despite the throne of a chair you were sitting in being cushioned quite lavishly).

You looked to your husband once more, and upon seeing the look of absolute done-ness on his face, you gently tapped his foot with yours.

You had to clap a hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle at the look Thorin gave you. A look of shock, disbelief, humor, and his trademark glare all in one.

As he turned his attention back to the representatives to state something he was sure he had already said about fifteen times, he lightly kicked your foot, causing a bright blush to creep up your face.

You waited for him to finish speaking before responding with a slightly harder kick to his boot with your own. He glared at you again, with a small smirk tugging on his lips. Once again, he kicked your boot, and once again you kicked his, with even more ferocity.

He winced a bit at the force, and you barely held back a laugh.

Thorin proceeded to give you a look that said 'I'll get you back for this later.' You only responded with an overly sweet smile, attempting to stay on his good side. He did tend to get mad at you when you goofed off like this during a meeting.

Everyone was gone and on their way back to their own kingdoms, and it was just down to you and Thorin

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Everyone was gone and on their way back to their own kingdoms, and it was just down to you and Thorin.

Thorin sat slumped in his chair with his elbows on the marble table, his face in his hands. You could tell he was exhausted and fed up with those idiotic representatives, and of course that meant he needed love from you to cheer him up.

You silently stood from your chair and moved to your husband's side, leaning your head on his left shoulder. "Are you alright, my love?"

Only a muffled, mopey groan was your response.

"Oh, come now," you cooed as you pried his large hands away from his face. "It's not that bad," you continued in your babying voice.

"Stop it," he grumbled.

"I know what'll make you feel better," you said, trying to hold back a grin. "A biiiiiig kiss!" you finished obnoxiously as you attempted to grab his face.

He pulled away, swatting and yelling at you to stop, but you did not give up.

"No. No, no. Come 'ere," you coaxed as you finally got your hands on either side of his face, turning him to face you.

Before he could protest any longer, you pressed a sloppy kiss to your husband's lips.

It didn't last long, however; you pulled away and sat on the table. "Feel better?" you asked with a big smile.

Thorin's cheeks were red, but you could tell he was holding back a smirk. "Yeah.." he admitted reluctantly.

You nodded. "That's what I thought."

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