Eventually (Fili)

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For the amazingly talented and lovely EleanorLearn , this is for you sweet pea!! Sorry if it's short! You are Dwalin's daughter in this quickshot...


"Oh come on, (y/n)! It'll be fun!" Kili encourages me. They want me to assist in a prank on their uncle Thorin. I usually love to play pranks on people with Fili and Kili, but honestly...their uncle scares me. But...it would be fun..

"Alright," I finally agree.

Let's just say, Thorin was not happy to come home drenched in freezing cold water...


"(Y/n)!" Fili calls my name, running and pushing past the other dwarves. I pull the heavy burlap sack off of my lower half, and stand shakily.

How clever it was for Master Baggins to think of distracting the trolls to buy us time!

"Are you alright?" he asks worriedly.

"I am fine," I nod, gasping a bit as the blonde prince pulled me into a tight hug. "Really, I am," I wheezed.

"Oh, I'm so glad!"


"No Fili, please don't go!" I cried in despair. He was my One, I just knew it, no matter how much my father, Dwalin, seemed resentful about it.

"(Y/n), I have to fight! We must kill Azog and keep Erebor safe. That includes you, so stay here."

I began to sob, and Fili held me gently for the few seconds he could spare. "I love you, Amrâlimê," he murmured quietly.

I do not hesitate to answer. "I love you too my azyûngal!"


Of course, they all won the battle, and survived, with many a tale to tell.


A few years later, Fili started to spoil me, constantly leaving me presents or flowers or jewelry. Eventually it lead to him asking if he could court me, and of course I said yes.


So as I sit here reminiscing, I stroke the wedding beads in my braids, and my swollen stomach. The line of Durin continues in this little baby inside of me.

And it will go on.

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now