Betrothed...Kinda (Frodo)

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"But father, why can't I just choose to marry whomever I love?!" I shouted at my father for what must've been the millionth time.

"Because, (y/n), the only two young hobbits I want you to even consider marrying are Frodo Baggins or Hobson Proudfoot! Those are your choices!" he yells back.

I huff frustratedly and stomp off to my bedroom, where I fall onto my bed and begin to weep. Betrothal isn't even in hobbit tradition, why do my parents believe in it?

"This is stupid," I sob painfully. The problem with all this is, I love Frodo. I know I do. But my parents don't know that. They're trying to funnel me into choosing...eugh..Hobson. I hate him. But he has something for me, so how do I choose Frodo without angering him, his family, and my family?!

Two days later, in the marketplace...

"Thank you," I smiled as I took the neatly wrapped fish from Rutha and set them in my basket. She grinned back and chimed, "You're welcome!"

Now I'm finally done with my shopping, I can go home and relax and maybe sketch some plants or- I gasp as I run into someone, my mind having been lost in my own thoughts.

"Oh, I am so sorry, my love," a greasy voice says.

Oh gross. It's Hobson.

"What do you want, Hobson?" I ask with a sneer.

The odd look of lust and desperation in Hobson's eyes turns my blood cold. "Ohh, nothing, dearest. Here, let me carry that for you," he says, spying my basket of food.

I pull away from him, just in time for him to miss grabbing the basket from me. "I got it," I murmur uncomfortably. "I-I'll be going now."

Hobson grabs my arm, causing me to almost drop my basket. I shriek, and a couple hobbits look our way, giving Hobson dirty looks.

"Let go, Hobson!" I yell, trying to scare him into leaving. But his grip only tightens.

Before I can say anything else, another voice cuts in. "Hobson, remove your hand from Miss (y/n)'s arm. Don't you know how disrespectful it is to touch a lady when she is begging you to leave her alone?"

I look towards the voice to see Frodo Baggins glaring daggers at Hobson, obviously very very displeased with him. Hobson slowly lets go of me, and winks before walking off, muttering something about interfering Baggins folk.

"Thank you, Frodo," I say gratefully, my heart pounding at how close we are.

A bit of pink blush dusts his cheeks. He nods and rubs the back of his neck. "You're welcome, Miss (y/n)."

"(Y/n), please. No need for formalities," I smile.

He smiles back, and I cannot deny my heart practically stopped. "Alright, well, I'd better be going," he says kind of shyly.

I nod in agreement. "Alright, bye." I turn to leave, and Frodo's voice follows me.

"Bye, I love you."

I gasp and turn around to see Frodo's face a tomato red and his own jaw slack in shock. "I-I'm sorry (y/n), I d-didn't mean to say that..I mean, I mean it, but I didn't mean to say-"

I stop him with a bone crushing hug. "Oh Frodo! I love you too!" I cry out in joy.

He laughs in relief and hugs me back, picking me up and spinning me around. When my feet reach the ground once more, I pull away just enough to press a kiss to his cheek, then return to the embrace.

"I choose you," I whisper lovingly.

For Willowyn_Stark , it's not exactly what you asked for, I hope tweaking some stuff was okay 😬😬 thank you for the request!

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now