There and Back Again (No one in particular) (Part2!)

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1,432 words, sorry it's so long. There will be a part 3, so don't worry. I have more parts in this book and the Sherlock book coming soon! Enjoy!


(Y/n) Oakenshield, Queen under the mountain, sat in a chair in her royal chambers. She stressfully rubbed her temple with her left hand, whilst holding an ink-dry quill in her right. Her right hand was poised gracefully above the parchment that lay on her desk, but no words had been penned. (Y/n) could not think of a word to tell her friend Bilbo Baggins, as if someone had stopped up her usually flowing imagination with a cork. She had so many things to say, and so few words in which to put them.

The Arkenstone had mysteriously gone missing, Thorin was very slowly slipping into madness, and she herself was with child.

(Y/n) gently smoothed her hand over her largely swollen belly, her growing infant having been in the womb for 6 months now.

She sighed and set the quill down, temporarily giving up on this task. Hormones were causing her brain to become a little fuzzy, and she didn't want to overstress herself unnecessarily.

"We need some fresh air, don't we, little one?" she said to herself and her unborn child, smiling down at her pregnant stomach. She heaved herself out of the chair, and waddled to the doorway, eventually reaching the end of the corridor and turned left, continuing down the hallway that would lead to the royal gardens.

Once she arrived, she took a deep, deep breath, soaking in the smells of newly bloomed flowers, fresh herbs, and slightly damp grass and soil basking in the warm sunshine. (Y/n) suddenly jumped, feeling her baby kick her from the inside. She laughed and rubbed her belly lovingly as the infant continued to push its feet against its mother's stomach and kick her in the ribs. She winced a bit, but didn't mind too much. At least I'm not trying to sleep this time, she thought.

As she walked around the gardens, occasionally bending down to smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers (as far as she could, that is) and greeting the royal guards, she started to hear a strange sound coming from the West Garden. She slowly made her way from the North Garden where she was to the West, and heard it again.



"What is that?" she wondered aloud.

Before she could figure out what could possibly be making that odd noise, a bright light exploded naught but a few yards away from (y/n). She shrieked and shielded her face with her arms and braced her feet, as a strong gust of wind nearly blew her over.

The light faded and the wind stopped, but the Queen didn't move from her protective position until she heard yet another noise, this time a bit more recognizable.

A voice.

"Uuuhhhrrrrnhh.....Ssshhhherlock......" someone groaned.

(Y/n) slowly moved her arms from her face, and was shocked to see two strangely dressed men lying in her garden. She knew she had to be cautious, especially since she was carrying the heir of Erebor, but she felt a strange compelling want to help them. They seemed to be confused or in some sort of dilemma.

"What?..." the other man groaned. Since they were lying on the ground and attempting to stand, (y/n) could not see which voice belonged to which man.

The taller man with the nice coat and black curls turned around to face the stunned pregnant woman. He straightened his deep blue scarf and smiled as his shorter, blond companion rubbed his forehead, squinting. "Sorry about the intrusion, ma'am. We mean no harm, we just uh..." He stopped, staring at the height (or rather, lack of height) of the woman standing before him. "Are..are you a dwarf?"

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