Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed (Company x Mythical Animal!Reader)

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The Company of Thorin Oakenshield was simply trotting along through a forest, one full of wildlife and bustling with nature's activities. Birds chirped happily, bunnies hopped in and out of bushes, and the bushes themselves were full of berries, their branches bent down to the ground, heavy laden with the juicy fruit. Even Thorin seemed in a good mood, for which Gandalf was greatly thankful.

The Company of course ate as much as they could hold within their bellies, and stuffed even more in their bags.

As the group trekked along the winding and illustriously calm pathway that led between trees and over hills, their leader noticed the rump of a rather large goat sticking out of a bush. It must have been eating the berries that the Company had also discovered.

Thorin told his youngest nephew, Kili, to look in the direction of the lightly colored goat, and as soon as the young prince did, the first thing he did was laugh.

Kili approached the hind of the creature with a wide grin on his face, being in a good mood and all, since his belly was full (for the first time in a while). "Are ya lost, little fellow? Or stuck?" He reached out and patted the goat's behind, and it understandably jumped, throwing itself out of the bushes.

At the sight of the entire creature, not just the backside, the entire Company froze, jaws nearly touching the ground.

At the sight of the entire creature, not just the backside, the entire Company froze, jaws nearly touching the ground

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(just pretend like the fur goes all the way down her legs)

"Hey hey hey!! Hands off the fur!!" the girl...goat...thing shouted. "What're you tryin' to do? Wrinkle it?!" She stood on her two hooves and swept a hand across her bottom, smoothing out the fur that had been mussed by Kili, shaking her fluffy tail for good measure.

Noticing the silence, she looked up to see the members of the Company staring at her with what looked like fear in their eyes, except Gandalf. This was not the first time he'd come across creatures such as this.

"Well, say something!" she snapped impatiently. "You just gonna stand there and gawk at me like I'm some kind of oddity? Maa-a-a-ah!"

No one moved, except the goat-girl, who shifted from hoof to hoof, uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting. "Anyone?" She pointed to Thorin, who flinched a bit, "You smell like their leader," she stated bluntly, as if they would have expected that.

The odd comment however, seemed to pull Thorin out of his confused trance, and he squinted, tilting his head a bit. " their leader?"

"Yes," she huffed, wondering how stupid these men really were (and if her suspicions of them being dwarves were correct, then she would probably be right about them being stupid in the first place). "I am a satyr. Part animal. I smell things just as well as I see or hear or feel them. I can sense that you are their leader; you carry with you a powerful and proud aura, proud to be the one to lead them to your journey's destination, wherever that may be. I can smell the fear practically pouring off of you all."

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