I Think You're Handsome! (Kili x Dwarf!Reader)

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I feel awful. I feel even worse at the fact that this will probably be pretty short, but I hope you like it just the same. Let me know if you have requests, I've been getting past my writer's block lately, so I should be ok to write up some easy requests for you all! 😉 Remember, I do a whole lot of other characters now, not just the lotr hobbits. Bye for now!

This was inspired by these pictures I found on Pinterest:

This was inspired by these pictures I found on Pinterest:

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You were looking after your sister, Nuneth, who was the youngest out of the 6 of your mother's children, coming in at 11 years old (which is basically still a baby in dwarf years). You were strolling through the open-air marketplace in Dale, balancing Nuneth on your hip, and accompanied by your friend Fili, who had decided to tag along with you.

"Where's Kili?" you asked casually, even though your heart skipped a beat at speaking his name.

"He's looking around for a new pipe-weed pouch, he accidentally dropped his last one in the fireplace last night. It's just ash now," Fili added, chuckling at the end.

You laughed too, imagining Kili's astounded expression at seeing his pouch disintegrating in the flames. Nuneth also giggled, not knowing why she was, simply because you were laughing.

Suddenly Kili came running through the dense crowds, heading straight for his older brother. "Filiiii!!" he cried out in distress. Fili's eyes widened, thinking that Kili was being followed or was hurt, or somehow in serious danger.

"What is it, Kili?" Fili said desperately as he gently shook his younger brother's shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Kili choked back a sob, and wiped his running nose on his tunic sleeve. "The o-other village men w-were laughing at me," he gasped. "They said I'm not a re-real dwarf bec-cause I don't ha-have a beard!" He sniffed, tears streaming down his stubble-covered cheeks.

Fili's face twisted in anger, but before he could do anything he might regret, you laid a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to his senses and calming his nerves. "It's okay, Kili," he said soothingly as he softly embraced his little brother. "I think you're handsome." He looked at you over Kili's shoulder. "Wouldn't you agree, (y/n)?" he asked you with a slight grin on his face.

You blushed a bit and readjusted Nuneth on your hip. "Y-yes, of course."

Kili pulled away from his brother's embrace and turned around to face you, wiping sloppy tears from his face. "You..you think I'm..handsome, (y/n)?" he asked timidly. He fancied you just as much as you fancied him, maybe more, but he was only just now putting the puzzle pieces together that created a picture of an adorable love story between you two.

You shook your head, and you felt the blood rush to your face, heating up your cheeks in a bashful blush. "Definitely."

He smiled giddily and hugged you around your neck, since you were holding Nuneth, caressing your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Thank you. And I think you're the most beautiful dwarrowdam I've ever known, (y/n). Inside and out," he whispered into your ear, his cheek resting on yours.

Your cheeks reddened even more at this statement. "Th-thank you, Kili."

He hugged you tighter and planted a quick kiss on your flushed cheek before letting go and skipping off with Fili, leaving you standing there speechless, and Nuneth pointing at the toy shop and screaming.

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