Prove Your Worth (Kili x Hobbit!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn, I'm sorry if this is short!

Update: never mind😂it's like 1,300 words


You were a hobbit lass, but you hadn't grown up in the Shire. Your parents were wanderers, hobbits who were a bit too adventurous for the rest of the hobbits' liking, and once they discovered they were going to have you, they were overjoyed. However, due to your parents' lifestyle, they could not keep you. They left you with a friend of theirs, Lord Elrond, to raise as his own.

Being brought up by elves, you were quite sophisticated and intelligent, although you did not think yourself superior to the other races of the world, like the Mirkwood elves did. You only knew Rivendell, it was your whole world, so when the dwarves of Erebor arrived and stayed for dinner, you were quite intrigued to say the least.

Lord Elrond, who saw himself as your father, demanded you sit next to him as he discussed things with Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield. None of it interested you however, and soon enough you were yawning widely with boredom.

Glancing over at the low table the rest of the dwarves were seated at, you took in the sight. You could understand why elves and dwarves had such animosity between them; they were so different. The twelve dwarves at the table were loud, obnoxious, messy, and almost manner-less (although the hobbit, the first you'd ever seen, was very polite and seemed to have been well raised).

Most of your interesting dinner guests were older, but three of them were close to your age, in relation to a hobbit to dwarf year ratio. Fili, Kili, and Ori, Gandalf had said. But the one out of those three who had caught your eye was the dark-haired one, Kili, if you remembered correctly.

As you gazed at Kili, lost in thoughts and daydreams, you suddenly realized he was looking right back into your beautiful (e/c) eyes. You quickly looked away, feeling your ears and cheeks burning a bright red. You bit your cheek to prevent yourself from smiling, and tried to focus on what your father was saying.

Before long, supper was over, the huge mess (due to the food-fighting towards the end of the meal) was cleaned up by a few servants, and the dwarves were all congregated in another room with a balcony.

You peeked through the crack of the slightly ajar door, spying innocently on the people who so intrigued you. You watched as the dwarf threw a sausage to the fat one (you now knew his name was Bombur), and as he caught it, the table he had been sitting on broke, and he fell flat on his back, his food going everywhere.

The dwarves all guffawed hysterically, and you fought to hold back a laugh, wanting to stay incognito. Unfortunately for you, you lost control and your laugh exploded in a burst of air and giggles. You cursed yourself internally, for not even being able to let it out when the dwarves began to talk and make noise again. No, you had to laugh obnoxiously when everything was quiet as a graveyard.

You clapped a hand over your mouth and nose, freezing and hiding behind the door, praying to the Valar that they would ignore it.

To your dismay, one of them called out, "Lassie? Why are you hiding?" Your brow furrowed in contemplation; how did they know you were a girl? You looked around a bit, trying to see what could've led them to that decision. You finally noticed that the moonlight had cast your shadow into the room they were in, and your feminine shape was obvious, even in the dark distortion of your body.

You slowly peeked out from behind the door, your eyes wide with fear. Were they angry that you had been watching them, purely out of curiosity? Their faces erupted into grins at seeing you so timid (it also helped that they could tell you were a hobbit and not an elf).

"Come on, little lass," the one with the funny hat said, his strong accent carrying through the silent air. "Come join us!"

You smiled shyly, walking up to the group of dwarves and wringing your long bell sleeves in your hands, your nerves getting the better of you.

Kili beckoned you over to him, where he sat on a bench, grinning madly the whole time. "Come sit by me!" The older dwarves chuckled at this, muttering something about 'young love.'

You sat gingerly by Kili, and he immediately introduced himself to you, and you told him about yourself.

You two instantly connected, and fell in love, just like a fairy tale. You couldn't stop talking with him, staring into his gorgeous eyes, wondering what his stubbly beard would feel like against your smooth skin if he were to...well, to kiss you.

You two stayed up nearly all night, talking, laughing, and sharing secrets. You knew from that moment that Kili was the one you were meant to be with for the rest of your days.

"Come with us on our quest," Kili pleaded earnestly after the two of you finished laughing from a joke he had told you. "Besides you being very proficient in fighting, I...I don't think I could stand leaving you behind." His eyes shone with hope, and you couldn't help but let out a small 'awwh.'

You pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek, and you could feel his face and neck heat up. "I'd love to, Kili!" you said enthusiastically as he hugged you back.

Unbeknownst to you, Kili grinned behind your back, and mouthed 'yes!'

>>>timeskip to BotFA brought to you by Dwalin and Kili saying 'jambags'😂<<<

You rode an extra ram out to Ravenhill, terrified that the line of Durin (more specifically Kili) was about to be killed or already dead.

Thorin had NOT liked the idea that you had come along with the Company. Besides being a woman, he didn't think you could protect yourself well enough to not hold up the Company's pace.

But you had proved yourself in several fights with orcs and wargs, and Kili had insisted you were worthy of the Company, and that you were his One.

Of course, being in that position meant you were to be protected by all means, Kili's order.

But why would you listen to him when his life was on the line? If he was going to die, you were going to be there, fighting right beside him.

You eventually arrived at Ravenhill, just in time to see Azog prepare to run Fili through with his arm-blade thing. You nocked an arrow onto your bowstring and fired, aiming straight for the pale orc's head. You hit your target perfectly (you were an amazing archer; after all, you were raised by elves), and Azog dropped Fili and fell of his warg, dead as a doornail.

Fili ran down the descending side of the ice cliff to join you, Dwalin, Thorin, Kili, and Bilbo, his heart palpitating and his veins pumping adrenaline.

Kili grinned when he saw you, then immediately scowled. "You're supposed to be in Erebor!!" he yelled as you neared the group on your ram.

"Yeah, but you didn't really expect me to listen, did you?" you shouted back.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Kili asked quietly (now that you were next to him), rubbing his forehead like he was trying to massage away a headache.

"I learned from watching you," you shrugged.

Kili laughed, then looked up to you. "Let's finish off these guys, shall we?"

You returned the smile, and readied your bow once more. "I'd love to."

You ended up singlehandedly taking down legions of orcs, and saved the line of Durin. Erebor was reclaimed once and for all, Thorin would be crowned King, and everything would go back to the way it was in the good old days, as Balin said.

Of course, you and Kili joined in holy matrimony the same day Thorin was coronated.

I guess 'happy ever after' does exist.☺️

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