Afraid of the Dark (Bilbo x Hobbit!Reader)

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You cowered in the corner of the cell you shared with Dwalin, holding your curly-haired head in your hands, your knees nearly touching your chin. The entire Company (minus Gandalf) had been captured by the elves of Mirkwood and shoved into prison cells.

It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, except you were extremely afraid of the dark. And Bilbo, your suitor, was nowhere to be seen.

You tried to take deep breaths and control your heart rate somewhat, but you were slowly slipping into madness. "I can't do this..I can't do this.." you kept muttering to yourself.

Dwalin looked at you with a great deal of concern in his eyes, feeling the most pity for you than he had ever felt for a creature before. He walked over to you and crouched down beside you, draping an arm over your shoulders and pulling you into a side hug.

"It's all right, lassie," he soothed you quietly. "Everything will be fine."

You crawled into Dwalin's lap and threw your arms innocently around his neck. And there you sat, with the burly dwarf to comfort you.

A little while later, Bilbo showed up with a huge ring of keys, going around and unlocking every cell that contained his friends.

When he finally reached the cell that you and Dwalin shared, he clicked the lock open with a frown of jealousy.

You jumped out first, clinging to Bilbo, who gladly returned the embrace, as well as gave Dwalin a cold glare, one that would send a shiver down Thorin's spine.

"Mine," he whispered into your hair, squeezing you even tighter to himself.

For my good friend and person-who-helps-me-not-feel-like-I'm-worthless, EleanorLearn ! I hope you liked it!!


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