Faith, Trust, and What?! (Thorin x Faerie!Reader) (Part 3)

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Thorin looked to Gandalf in confusion and (y/n) flew into the pantry to help the other dwarves carry plates and bowls of food into her dining room. "What else does she have to offer, Gandalf? What was she talking about?"

Gandalf only smirked, turning towards the pantry to help as well, Thorin following impatiently behind. "I will let the faerie speak for herself," the old wizard promoted once (y/n) flew nearby.

The petite winged woman blushed, and craned her neck to look up at Gandalf, seeing as she was only flying high enough for her feet to be off the floor. "Must I, old friend?"

Gandalf nodded. "I believe it is for the best, especially if you will be joining us."

(Y/n) hummed in agreement. "Well, Thorin Oakenshield," she began, addressing the dwarf king, "I am a faerie of the nature guild, which means I look after animals, and tend to the plants. I teach the newly born animals of the forest how to perform as their kind, I keep every animal safe, and I tend to the plants and foliage that grow around here, as well as grow my own food. But I am also a healer," she added, grabbing every dwarf's attention.

One old dwarf with a trumpet held to his ear spoke up. "A healer, are ye, lass?"

She smiled at him and flittered to the ground, her tiny feet barely making a sound against the wood floors as she pattered over to the dwarf. "I am indeed," she replied. "Are you?"

"Yes I am! One of the best dwarven healers there are!"

"Quite a title," (y/n) grinned.

Thorin watched all this ensue with an unreadable expression, although the thoughts in his head were moving at a mile a minute. We could definitely use another healer on this quest, and she can also help us with our lack of food problem, and possibly ward off the wargs.

But was (y/n) strong enough to be able to survive this journey?

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