My Personal Therapist (Fili)

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Your POV

I continue to pace across my room, alternately touching the walls on either side of my royal chambers so many times that I cannot recall how many exactly it has been.

The thoughts in my mind are frantic, panicked, racing, whirling, and there is no taming them. I know it is all useless. Worrying like this. But it is just what I have always done. I cannot help but be worried about every little thing, even if it matters not.

As I am working to control both my breathing and my rapid heartbeat, I hear the door creak open, causing me to jump in fright.

A voice chuckles, the rich sound warming my bones and calming my frayed nerves. "Are you a little mouse, amrâlimê? Why do you jump so?" It is my husband, Fili. He must've returned from his meeting early. He comes up behind me and places his hands gently on my waist, pulling me into his muscular chest. "Am I that intimidating?" he practically growls into my ear, sending rigorous shivers down my spine.

I allow myself to smile, and turn my head to face him. His head is resting on my shoulder, and I give his bearded cheek a quick peck. "Not really. You're more like an adorable little kitten," I comment, giggling slightly.

He huffs and spins me around to face him completely, his smile having returned. "You'll pay for that later, ghivashel," he promises, winking at me. "But, pray tell, why did you jump so?"

I look down at the leather strings that hold my husband's tunic closed, a guilty feeling growing in my chest. "I uh...must've been..on edge."

I cannot see Fili's face, but I am sure he looks confused. "Why?"

I hesitate, and my One gently takes my chin in his rough hand, forcing me to look up and into his eyes. "Why were you on edge, (y/n)?" His eyes are loving, but prying as well. I must tell him. I cannot hide it from him anymore; it only makes it worse.

"I was anxious. Worried. It was...sort of an attack of panic." Oh Mahal, how I hope Fili will not hate me for being this way.

My husband's eyes only soften further, the irises such a beautiful, rich, bright blue that I feel I could very well drown in them. He carefully, almost reverently, presses a kiss to my lips with his own, and pulls away to tell me to get to bed.

In no time at all, he is right next to me, his strong arms wrapping around my waistline, holding me close to his chest. "I am here, amrâlimê," he promises me, "and I always will be."

For my BESTIE AND FREN EleanorLearn !!! Sorry it's short and a little different...

Thanks for reading guys!

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