Finally Broke You! (Kili)

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Cuz who doesn't love WAITER!KILI!!!!

This is for EleanorLearn , as usual. (Don't be afraid to request, everybody..)


You rode your pony with an expressionless face, ignoring all the laughter and jokes that were being tossed around. Your focus was the journey to Erebor and reclaiming the mountain/finding the Arkenstone. It would not be broken.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Kili called to you from where he sat on his pony, beside yours.

Letting out a noisy sigh, you looked in his direction with an irritated glare. "What?"

He did not seemed to be deterred by your coldness towards him, and sent his biggest grin your way. "You look absolutely ravishing today," he declared with a wink.

You rolled your eyes and turned back to face the road ahead of you, completely dismissing his compliment.

Hmm, Kili thought to himself, not one for conversation, eh? Well, guess we'll have to change that.

>>>a few hours later<<<

"Hey, (Y/n)," Kili said from his pony.

You grunted a response, letting him continue.

"How many lips do flowers have?"


"Tulips," Kili finished, bursting out in laughter.

But you kept your straight face, not finding this a reason to relieve yourself of the serious attitude the quest should have been bringing everyone's attention to.

All right, guess she's not a jokester either, Kili summed up. Just you watch, (Y/n). I'm gonna crack you, no matter how long it takes.

>>>during supper around the campfire<<<

Much to your dismay, Kili had taken the seat on a fallen tree trunk beside you before anyone else could. He now sat there, eagerly eating his stew and keeping his eyes trained on you 90% of the time.

"Once Uncle Thorin got a splinter in his backside," Kili blurted out of nowhere, causing you to send a questioning look his way. This wasn't something you'd laugh about, you were more curious now than amused.

"Not sure it got there; don't ask me how. But it was in there for days, you see," he explained further, a sly smile creeping onto his lips. "He couldn't twist around the right way to see it and get it out. So he had to have his sister, my mother, Dis, help him remove it." Kili let out a loud laugh as he spotted Thorin's glare from across the campfire and heard a few other dwarves snicker. "You should have heard his screams; like a little girl!"

This finally cracked your hard exterior, sending you into a fit of violent giggles. Just picturing your leader having his sister pull out a splinter from his behind and screaming sent you over the edge.

Kili laughed with you, along with everyone else, except for Thorin, who looked quite murderous (and angry at Dwalin for laughing too).

"I knew I could get you to laugh!" Kili cried as he jumped in the air. "I finally broke you!!"

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