All to Myself (Dwalin)

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You were a fantastic warrior, one of the best in Erebor. Well, before it had been taken by Smaug. When Thror was still King Under the Mountain, you had caught Dwalin's eye, mainly because you had taken down at least 70 orcs on your own in a battle. After three days of getting to know you, he asked to court you, and you had happily obliged.

Now you were with Thorin and the Company, journeying to Erebor to reclaim your homeland. You and Dwalin had put your relationship as kind of a low priority, and that frustrated you.

You would mostly stay around Fili and Kili during the trip, watching them practice their sparring skills, practicing with them, and giving them pointers on how to improve themselves (which they accepted readily). It was easy to take your mind off of your dwindling relationship with Dwalin when you were with the young princes, but a little thought always nagged at the back of your brain.

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

The Durin boys noticed you and your intimidating frown (something you'd learned from Dwalin), sitting on a log, 'watching them spar.'

"Are you all right there, (Y/n)?" Kili asked, a bit concerned.

You snapped out of your deep thoughts and turned to the young prince with a renewed smile on your lips, one that he returned. "I am fine, Kili. Just thinking."

"About what?" Fili ventured to ask.

"Me and Dwalin," you answered quietly. "We...haven't been very close as of late. Since we started this journey we've been growing farther and farther apart. I'm afraid he does not love me anymore," you sighed, biting your bottom lip in an attempt to prevent it from trembling.

"Oh, that's not true, (Y/n)!" Kili exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. "He loves you more than ever! You should see how he stares at you from across the campfire at night." Kili sat beside you on your log and set his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, and gazed at you with the silliest heart-eyed look he could conjure.

Fili began to guffaw loudly at his younger brother's comedic display, and you and Kili quickly joined in the laughter.

'He loves you more than ever!'

>>>timeskip to that evening, around the campfire<<<

Dwalin sat next to his best friend and king, Thorin Oakenshield, a frown plastered on his face, as usual.

Thorin puffed on his pipe once more before turning to Dwalin. "Talk to her."

"What?" Dwalin glanced at Thorin, not hearing what he said, as he had been lost in thought (thoughts of (Y/n) to be exact).

"Talk to her," Thorin repeated, his face holding an expression of slight amusement. "You and (Y/n) have barely conversed since this quest began. That can't have been good for her."

Dwalin grunted and turned back to look at his consort. She was sitting on a log, flanked on either side by Kili and Fili, laughing and chatting with them happily. Too happily.

I should be the only one to make her laugh like that, he thought bitterly.

Finally resolving himself, Dwalin rose from his seat and approached (Y/n), who had gotten up to give her bowl to Bofur, who was taking everyone's bowls to a nearby stream to be washed.

The burly warrior grabbed (Y/n) by the waist and squeezed her in the tightest hug she had ever received from anyone, and planted a firm, possessive kiss on her cherry-red lips. The entire Company erupted into laughs, cheers, and wolf-whistles (mainly from Kili and Nori).

She squealed in surprise, but quickly submitted, her eyes rolling back into her head. She missed this. The soft side of her One. It felt good to finally feel his love again.

And you were pretty sure that he would never leave you again, not after a display like that!

EleanorLearn I hope you liked this!
It made me giggle!

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