Headbutting (Fili)

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This is for EleanorLearn , I changed it up a little, hope you don't mind.


It was just a regular old dinner party, and it had just begun, but you were already feeling left out. You were a half-breed, half dwarf and half elf, born out of wedlock. You had therefore been abandoned as a child, but luckily for you, you had been found and raised by Dwalin. You were accustomed to the rough dwarvish ways, but you still held the delicacy of the elves.

So, when you saw all the dwarves who had gone on the quest to reclaim Erebor smashing heads in greeting, you felt like the odd one out. You had tried headbutting your father Dwalin before...it hadn't ended well.

You greeted Bilbo, the host of this dinner party/celebration, and chatted with him for a while. But when he went to talk to Gandalf, you once again didn't know what to do.

You looked around awkwardly, hoping to find something to do so that you didn't look like an idiot as your fellow dwarves were headbutting with each other, laughing, and talking, obviously enjoying each other's company.

Dwalin looked over to you, and his eyes softened. He waved you over, and you timidly made your way to him. "What's the matter, darling?" he asked you gently.

"I just..feel a little left out, I suppose," you replied a bit hesitantly. "You all have always..smashed heads, and I can't. It hurts. I wish I could, to fit in, but I just can't."

Dwalin shook his head, smiling. "You don't have to be just like us, my dear," he said tenderly, earning nods and quiet agreement from the other dwarves present. "Besides, there's no 'fitting in.' You are different, and that's alright." He carefully took your head in his large, rough hands, and ever so gently touched his head to yours in a soft headbutting action. You smiled at him with tears in your eyes, and he smiled back.

Dwarf after dwarf approached you, gently headbutting you like your adopted father had. When it came to Fili, the young man whom you fancied, you blushed as he drew nearer and nearer. He softly hit his forehead on yours, and smiled lovingly at you. "I think you're perfect the way you are," he whispered sweetly.

You grinned and blushed. "Thank you," you said sincerely.

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