Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop (Modern!Fili x Modern!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn , I hope you like this! Sorry it's late!!!!
The song I attatched is one I just heard tonight on Pandora while doing dishes, so it fits PERFECTLY!!
Press play now!


"So that's a tall skinny soy-free vanilla latte with extra cream and a blueberry scone?" you confirmed your customer's order.

"Yeah," she replied absentmindedly.

You announced the price and waited for her to swipe her card before asking for her name.


You nodded and wrote her name on the cup, and handed it to your coworker.

You are a barista at Starbucks, and as much as you love your job, it can sometimes stink. On days like this, it can be very slow and boring, which means you have nothing to do.

As Branden, your coworker, began constructing the woman's crazy order, you leaned onto the counter a bit, just waiting for 3 o'clock to roll around.

"Just two more hours," you muttered to yourself.

Then, as the door opened and Branden greeted the newest guest, you looked up, only to discover that you would not be bored any longer.

The cutest guy you had ever seen ever had just walked through the front door!

You steadied your breath and wished you could do the same to your heartbeat, and waited for him to approach the counter.

Once he did, smiling at you (which sent the butterflies in your stomach in an uproar), you greeted him.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" you asked cheerily, thanking God above that your voice had not cracked.

"Hi," he responded with the same happy tone, "I'll have a venti mocha frappuchino." (Sorry, but I like the caramel ones, so I went with this, also because I know nothing about coffee)

"That all?" you asked as you selected the drink he chose on your computer.

"Yes," he nodded, and cleared his throat, with what sounded like nervousness.

You nodded and rung everything up, he paid, and asked for his name like you did with everyone else.

"Fili, F-i-l-i."

You nodded, smiling, and wrote his name on the cup, and handed it to Branden. "Alright, it'll be done in just a minute, Fili," you told the handsome young blond man, loving how his name rolled off of your tongue.

He smiled and gave a quick nod of the head, pulling out his phone and waiting by the other counter to pass the time quicker.

Once his drink was finished, he caught your eye right before he left to walk out the door. "Bye, (y/n)!" he called, remembering your name that was written on your name tag.

You flushed a bit at the sound of him saying your name, but waved nonetheless. "Bye, Fili!" (Bye Felicia!!! ....................sorry, had to do it............)

Over the course of several days, Fili came in quite often to order the same exact thing: a venti mocha frappuchino. And the two of you would chat. Sometimes he came alone, sometimes he came with his younger brother, whom he had introduced as Kili. Thankfully, he had never come in with another girl, which sent you the signal that he was probably single.

One day he came in to find a different employee at the register. This caught Fili by surprise, but he continued as usual.

He did, however, eventually catch sight of you. You were taking off your apron and saying goodbye to your coworkers and managers.

"(Y/n)!" he said excitedly, rushing over to you. You immediately opened your arms for a hug with a huge grin on your face, and he quickly embraced you in a friendly hug.

"I uh..see you're leaving," Fili said after the two of you separated.

"Yeah," you nodded tiredly, running a hand through your now let down (h/c) hair. "Long day; I opened. But," you shrugged, "whatcha gonna do?"

Fili chuckled, which made you blush. "Do you live far from here?"

"No, I actually live in one of those condos down the street there," you pointed in the general direction of your small-yet-comfortable home.

"Can I um..walk you home?" he asked a bit nervously.

"Sure," you smiled sweetly. "Thank you."

"Anytime." Fili opened the door for you and didn't hesitate to offer you his arm as you strode down the cracked sidewalk.

You both chatted a bit about different things, and eventually arrived at your front door, which was painted a vibrant green for the spring season.

"Well, this is it," you sighed and smiled again at Fili. "Thanks for walking me home. No one's ever done that for me before."

Fili smirked. "Hard to believe. Who wouldn't want to be curteous to such a lovely young lady?"

You blushed and giggled, looking down at your shoes, wishing this could never end. Wishing that you and Fili could be together.

"Hey, I was wondering..could I..have your number?" Fili asked you tentatively.

You looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes in surprise, and felt yet another smile creep onto your lips. "Of course you can!"

You reached for the pen in your apron pocket, and rooted around for a piece of paper, but couldn't find anything.

"You can write it on my hand if you have to," Fili said nonchalantly.

"Okay," you shrugged, but on the inside your heart was beating a mile a minute. You took his much bigger hand in yours, and carefully wrote your phone number on his palm.

"Thanks," he grinned, and carefully pulled you into a hug.

"You're welcome," you laughed and hugged back.

As you watched his retreating back, you sighed happily.

This could be the start of something great.

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