A+ Performance (Fili)

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For my internet bestie, EleanorLearn, I hope you like this!

The song you sing in this oneshot is posted above, please enjoy!


You absentmindedly twisted the fine fabric of your ball gown in your sweating hands, nerves and anxiety taking over the better of your emotions and reasoning. You had been asked to sing at Thorin's coronation, truly the opportunity of a lifetime, and so you had gladly accepted. But you were more scared to do this than anything, and you had fought in The Battle of the Five Armies, succeeding in saving the line of Durin (which is probably part of the reason the court musicians had asked you in particular to sing).

"I can't do this," you muttered to yourself as you adjusted your sleeves for the millionth time. "There's no way I can do this."

"Yes, there is," a familiar voice interrupted behind you. You turned around to be met with an equally familiar and comforting sight. Your lover and consort, Fili. He approached you with a sympathetic smile on his handsome face, one that both sent the swarm of butterflies in your stomach fluttering and settled your nerves.

"You will do just fine, amrâlimê," he comforted quietly, his arm finding its way around your waist, now quite small, thanks to your tight corset. You couldn't thank your maid enough for keeping the restrictive fabric looser than normal, as to prevent you from fainting or gasping for breath.

"I don't know," you sighed, resting your forehead on Fili's burly shoulder. "What if I forget the words? Or mess up the tune? What if I vomit when I get up there?"

Fili merely laughed, pulling you closer, into his chest, and planted a quick kiss on your hair. "If you do, I'll be right there to save you. But I have no doubt in my mind that you will do perfectly. You have the most beautiful singing voice I have ever heard, ghivashel, and I know everyone will think the same once they hear you."

You blushed at his complements, the tension slowly melting and your nervousness leaving you. "Alright," you nodded resignedly. "I shall do my best." A small smile made its way to your lips as Fili chuckled, amused at your determination.

Muffled by the thick curtains that separated the main hall/coronation room from the side rooms, the two of you heard the high priest begin his speech that would lead to Thorin's coronation, after which you would be performing.

"Well," Fili spoke again at last, breaking the silence, "it's almost time." He patted your back softly, leading you to the edge of the thick maroon curtain.

"Don't I get a good luck kiss?" you asked with a sly smirk. Fili's expression matched yours as he leaned down to you.

"Most certainly, " he breathed right before he closed the space between the two of you. As usual, you lost all feeling in your legs, your heartbeat sped up to an unholy palpitation, and you felt sparks fly from the heat that was your lips and Fili's together. After a time that felt far too short, he pulled away, and you once again could stand (somewhat). Your lips felt cold now without his on them, and you frowned unhappily.

"One more, please," you begged quietly, your eyes half open.

Fili laughed at your kiss-induced state, curtesy of himself. "No no, my dearest one. You have a song to sing, and I wish to be beside my kin, listening to you. We both must needs take our leave, yes?"

You reluctantly nodded, and turned to exit the side room, but not before pressing one last kiss to Fili's bearded cheek, earning a grin from him. You stepped out into the room, your lilac colored dress trailing behind you. Thorin was about to have the crown of his fathers placed upon his brow, and you would be right behind him, ready to sing as soon as it happened, in celebration of Erebor's new king.

The priest slowly lowered the golden coronet onto Thorin's curly black and grey-streaked locks, and you opened your mouth to sing.

(play song)

>>>after you sing and the coronation—timeskip to the banquet<<<

"Amrâlimê!" Fili exclaimed, running up to you and engulfing you in a huge bear hug. "You were amazing! Beautiful! Spectacular! Oh, I love you so much!!"

You laughed at his enthusiasm, and returned the embrace. "I'm so glad you enjoyed it, my love!"

He pulled away just far enough to meet your gaze, and pressed his forehead to yours. His piercing blue eyes bore into yours, and he smiled lovingly. "How about we resume where we left off? As a reward for doing so well," he suggested, raising an eyebrow and lowering his voice, in an attempt to sound seductive you guessed, but it was honestly quite laughable.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea," you responded in a whisper, and before you could take a full breath, Fili's lips met yours once more, expressing just how dearly he loved you.

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