Do You Need a Hug? (Platonic Dwalin x Fili and Kili's Sister!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn, I hope you like it! ^^ Sorry it's so late.

In this one, you are the younger sister of Fili and Kili, but only by about 10 years (to Kili, that makes about 15 years between you and Fili). So you're not a kid, but not quite an almost-adult like Fili...probably around 14 in human years.



"Fili! Kili!" you yelled to your brothers from across the room. In your petite hands you held a bucket with a huge warty bullfrog, which was croaking unhappily. "Look what I found near the swamps behind the butcher's shop!" You showed off your prize to your elder brothers, who you looked up to dearly (especially when it came to pulling off pranks). "Won't you help me sneak it under Master Dwalin's bedcovers?" you squeaked excitedly, grinning up at the young princes. "Well," you continued, shrugging, "I must show it to Uncle Thorin first. Isn't he a beauty? Took me at least twenty minutes to catch; Uncle will be so proud!"

Fili and Kili looked down to you with remorse written all over their faces. "I'm so sorry, (y/n), but Uncle Thorin is training with us today. We'll all be busy for quite a while."

Your gleeful smile slowly disappeared from your face, replaced with a confused frown. "'re all leaving?"

Kili nodded, and wrapped his arms around you comfortingly, Fili following suit. You had almost never been separated from your brothers, especially when your mother, Lady Dis, was out working as a washerwoman in the afternoons.

"Amad isn't even here," you stated mournfully. "Will I be all alone?"

Fili shook his head, and slowly broke his embrace with you (and Kili). "Master Dwalin is coming to look after you while we're gone."

You smiled again, hope for a good day returning. (aka me when I get to leave work) "You mean he'll get to be here with me? For hours and hours?" you asked, excited once more.

"Yes, little sister," Fili chuckled, patting you on the head affectionately. "Just don't be too hard on him. You know how old he is, and what age does to a man," he winked.

Just then, Thorin entered the room through the front door, his long, curly black locks falling over his shoulders regally. "Fili, Kili. Time to go."

Your brothers nodded, and once again your smile fell. You bid them a quick goodbye, and walked up to your stern uncle to give him a hug before he left. He grunted and squeezed you, then left with the princes, shutting the door loudly behind him.

Sighing, you dragged yourself to the cozy sofa, flopping onto it in quite an unladylike manner, but not really caring. You felt like you wanted to cry. Recently, you'd felt like your uncle Thorin had been abandoning you, leaving you in the care of others. Even if your main caretaker was your mother, you still felt left behind. Left out. Like no one cared. Well, your brothers cared. They really did wish they could spend more time with you, but lately Thorin wished to train them for battle, to shape and mold them into warriors worthy of Erebor.

And then there was Master Dwalin. Oh, how you adored that battered not-so-old warrior. He was surprisingly kind and gentle around you, never refusing your hugs or kisses on the cheek. Normally, if anyone got within two feet of him, he'd start a brawl. But not so with you. Yes, he cared for the Durin boys and all, but if you asked him who he really loved and adored the most, the answer would be you. You were like the daughter he never had.

A sudden, viciously loud knock sounded from the door, startling you out of your thoughts and nearly sending you flying off of the couch in surprise. You jumped up and rushed to the door, and swung it open to reveal Dwalin, much to your delight.

"Hello, Master Dwalin!" you screeched happily, and wrapped your arms around his torso in a hug. Well, as far around as they could go.

Dwalin laughed and returned the warm embrace with as much fervor as you had. "Lass, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: call me Dwalin. No need for formalities amongst friends, aye?"

"Aye!" you replied heartily and stepped back into the house. "Come in! Uncle Thorin just left with Fili and Kili a few minutes ago." Your peppy voice had lost its sparkle, and a wave of sadness washed over you.

"Somethin' wrong, lassie?" the burly warrior asked quietly, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder.

You shrugged, but knew that that was no answer for the dwarf: he didn't put up with that. When he meant to get the truth out of someone, he wouldn't stop until he got what he was looking for. "I feel as if Uncle has been neglecting me lately," you murmured. "He doesn't talk to me much anymore, and he's always gone." Dwalin's lips twisted into a frown. 

"I mean, I know that he must work to help earn money and all that," you continued, "I just wish he'd spend some time with me, somehow. I hugged him today before he left, and he barely noticed I was there!" you cried, tears welling up in your eyes.

Dwalin pulled you close, sitting on the couch and making you sit in his lap. He held your head close to his chest, stroking your (h/c) hair softly and rocking you back and forth. "I'm sure he is just focused on training the boys at the moment, little one," he surmised with a comforting tone. "Don't pay it any mind, alright?"

You hesitated, letting him stroke your hair as you pondered if this was what you wanted to believe what was going on. "Alright," you finally agree.

Dwalin smiled and kissed your hair, holding you closer and sitting back in the soft cushions of the sofa. "That's my little ray of sunshine..."

>>>timeskip to the dungeons of Mirkwood<<<

You sat in your shared elvish cell with Thorin, frowning despairingly at the carved stone floor.

"(Y/n)?" your uncle's soft voice (reserved only for his family) reached your ears through the silence.

You looked up to see him standing at your side, his arms folded in thought. "Yes?" you replied in a whisper.

"I..erm...well, I wish to apologize," he murmured, sitting on the floor beside you in the same cross-legged position you were in.

You stared into his clear blue eyes, waiting for him to speak again. "Apologize for what, Uncle?"

"(Y/n), I have not been...a very responsible uncle towards you. I realize now that I have been neglecting my duties as both an uncle..and as a father figure. I should have been more attentive to your needs and wishes, and reserved more time for you, as I had for Fili and Kili."

You were near crying at this point, your tough, emotionless uncle's confession bringing to surface and obliterating any doubt you had had that he loved you.

"Will you forgive me, (y/n)?" Thorin asked, his eyes pleading, begging you to let him back in. 

You nodded, a strangled sob bursting from your lips. Your whole body shuddered with tears as Thorin pulled you into a warm and loving hug, pressing his lips to your temple.

What you didn't see was Dwalin glaring at Thorin, and then gazing at you, wishing that he could be the one who was comforting you, his ray of sunshine, if only he wasn't trapped in his cell.

After Bilbo let you all out of your cells, Dwalin was the first to approach you (there were many, as you were a young dwarf lass and must be protected and watched like a hawk's prey at all times). He wrapped his arms around you in an enormous hug, tightly too, like you were about to fly away and all he had to do was keep you there in his arms, and everything would be okay.

Which it would, of course.

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