I'm Here For You (Fili)

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You huddled in a ball, barely able to take refuge from the pouring rain by hiding underneath some sparse shrubbery. The downpour completely soaked through your rough woolen clothing, your hair, and quite effectively dampened your spirit.

You had (miraculously) just made your escape from an orc dungeon in Dol Guldor, and you were a bit thankful for the heavy rain, as it covered your tracks.

But you had nowhere to go. So you lay there, starving, soaked and chilled to the bone, and all alone. Eventually the rain stopped, and you fell asleep.

But even in your dreams you were tormented by the horrors you had been through as a prisoner of the orcs.

>>>a few hours later<<<

Fili and Kili were simply hunting throughout the woods, expecting only to find game enough to eat back at camp. They were definitely not expecting to find a girl sleeping in the bushes.

Kili had thought you were a squirrel, from the sight of a clump of your chestnut hair peeping out from underneath the green leaves (it had quite resembled a squirrel's tail).

But at a second glance the young dwarf prince noticed that you were not indeed a rodent, but a young dwarf lass.

"Fili!" he whispered frantically, wildly gesturing his elder brother to join him by the bush. "Come, look!"

Fili ran over, thinking Kili had found and killed something incredible. But then again, if he had done so, why would he be whispering?

Once Fili was at his younger brother's side, he noticed the little trail of hair. "Is that a squirrel?" he asked, confused as to why his brother was so adamant about such a small creature.

"No, no, no! It's a girl, Fili! It's a dwarf lass!"

Fili squinted at the hairy bush. "Why is a lass out here? In the middle of nowhere? Underneath a bush?"

Kili shrugged. "Naught if I know. Should we wake her? Bring her to Thorin?"

Fili hesitated. "Let's see if she's alive first."

They checked your pulse, and you were indeed alive, albeit nearly frozen and starving, not to mention quite dehydrated. The orcs had not been good to you.

They decided to bring you to Thorin, and you had caught the dwarf king completely off guard. But he decided to keep you under his wing, and nourish you back to health.

When you had awoken from your deep, frozen slumber, you had been quite surprised to see thirteen dwarves, a wizard, and a halfling staring over you. But it all turned out alright in the end, seeing as Thorin put his oldest nephew in charge of watching over you while you slept. Just to make sure if you were caught up in another one of your frenzied nightmares (you were plagued with them now, seeing as you had been through quite the experience), he would be there for you.

And he always was.

From the beginning of your joining the Company to the end of reclaiming Erebor, Fili was there the entire time, right by your side, through thick and thin.

And now you are married to him, the courting and wedding braids and beads a constant, happy reminder of all the adventures you've been through.

Of course, with the baby on the way, you'll have even more adventures to look forward to!

And all because Kili had second thoughts about you being a squirrel.

For the incredible and BEAUTIFUL EleanorLearn !!! Thank you, hope you enjoyed it, and love you!!

Thank you to everyone who reads these and comments! It's such a huge encouragement, and it really gives me the power to keep going!!

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