I Said I'M FINE!! (Fili)

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For EleanorLearn, I hope I can make this long enough...but let's be real. It's Fili, I'm sure I'm gonna be able to come up with enough material 😉👌 enjoy!


"Fili!!" you yelled excitedly, running down the carven rock walls of the kingdom of Erebor. You had just found a little grey kitten in the Royal Gardens (Mahal only knows how it got there), and you were not about to let it go unnoticed. You hid the tiny kitten in your private royal chambers, seeing as you were only courting Fili, and went immediately to find your lover.

"Fili!!" you shouted again, turning a sharp corner and losing your balance. You shrieked and tried to catch yourself against the stone wall, but it was just out of reach, and you fell, twisting your ankle badly.

Your cry of pain echoed throughout the Halls of Erebor, causing a few nearby dwarves to run in your direction.

"Lady (Y/n)!" A dwarrowdam maid approached you and knelt by your side. "Are you alright?"

You simply shook your head, the pain too great in your ankle to speak. The maid nodded and began instructing the two guards with her to take you to your room and fetch Fili.

The maid was barely able to get the last few words out before Prince Fili himself came running down the hall, panting and his eyes wide with panic. He had heard your scream down the hall quite a ways, and immediately ran to your aid.

"(Y/n)!" he cried. "Amrâlimê! What is wrong?!"

"She twisted her ankle, Your Highness," the maid replied for you, remembering that you were in too much pain to talk. Fili nodded and instantly picked you up bridal style, causing you to squeak in surprise and pain from being moved. Fili winced at this and muttered an apology, then proceeded to tell the maid and guards that he would take you to your quarters, and instructed them to send Oin your way.

Once you and Fili entered your room and he carefully placed you on your bed. "How did this happen to you, ghivashel?" he asked tenderly.

You blushed a bit, thinking about how this was a result of nothing but foolishness. "I..I had been..running through the halls. I lost my balance and fell when I ran 'round a corner."

The blond dwarf prince didn't laugh or jest, he simply nodded and hummed in thought. "Why were you running?"

"I was trying to find you."

Now he seemed a bit more amused, his lips turning upward into a devilish smirk beneath his braided mustache. "And why were you trying to find me, my love? I mean, I know I am irresistible, but can you not pace yourself?"

You rolled your eyes at your lover's antics and continued. "I was going to tell you of the kitten I found in the Royal Gardens earlier."

His eyes softened, though they were still bright with laughter. "You found a wee kit, did you? Where is it now?"

You looked to the bath chamber door, which was closed in order to keep the kitten from escaping. "She's in there, I didn't want her ripping up any good fabric or destroying anything important."

"I see." Fili walked to the door and slowly opened it, revealing the tiny shivering little grey kitten huddled in the corner of the room. "The poor thing," he muttered as he bent down to scoop up the kit. He set her in your lap, and you pet her ears gently as she purred.

Oin soon barged through the door, and not long after he was inspecting your ankle. "It seems she has only twisted it," he said assuredly. "Just stay in bed and heal, lass. Fili here'll take good care of ya." With a wink from the old healer dwarf and a knowing nod from you, he left the room with his bag of supplies and trumpet.

Fili looked at you with loving eyes. "He's right, you know." You turned to him. "I will take​ care of you. At least until you are healed."

"You're a prince, Fili," you argued, although you were thankful for his offer. "You don't have time to waste on me."

Fili shook his head. "That is where you are wrong, amrâlimê. You are worth every second I have to spare." With this, he gently pulled you close and kissed your forehead.

You blushed a bit at the tender touch, and sat back into the huge feather pillows that lay on your bed. "Fine."

>>>an hour later<<<

Fili burst back into your room (he had left a few minutes earlier to fetch a glass of water after hearing you mention being a bit thirsty), and rushed up to your bedside. "I have your water, love," he panted as he handed you the glass.

"You didn't have to get this for me, Fili," you insisted before you took a sip of the cool liquid. "I don't need it bad enough for you to run all over Erebor."

"You do need it, (y/n)." Fili never seemed to resist you when you wanted something. He could tend to be too generous for his own good.

You shrugged and took another drink of water, then set the glass on the nightstand. "Well, I have nothing else to do except read and sleep, and I'm tired, so I suppose I'll sleep."

Fili nodded. "May I join you?"

You felt your cheeks heat up at the suggestion, and Fili's eyes widened.

"I-I don't mean like that, (y/n)..I meant..you know, just sleeping."

You nodded. "Sure."

Fili grinned and climbed into the bed and under the covers, carefully, so as to not move you left poor ankle too much and risk another injury. As soon as you were comfortable, he draped his arm over your waist, and ever so slightly pulled you into his chest, warming you thoroughly.

"Sleep well, amrâlimê," he whispered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips, and falling asleep.

You smiled up at him and shut your eyes, quickly falling asleep as well.

Fili would continue to dote upon you day and night for another three weeks, even after your ankle was completely healed.

Not that you complained.

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