Don't Hurt Her! (Elrond x Elleth!Reader)

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For Twag53 , I hope you like this...I'm sorry, but it'll probably end up being short :(

In this one you are the younger daughter of Celeborn and Gladriel. I would put your name as (y/n) like we normally do here, but for some reason when we do elleth!reader oneshots I prefer to give you a name, since elven names are especially unique. ^^ Therefore, I shall dub you Celebrion (quite similar to your sister's name).

Please enjoy.


Elrond gave little thought to the path he was traveling on, nor to the ellons and elleths surrounding him. Not even a fleeting glimpse was cast towards his children. His thoughts were far, far away from their current position.

He was pondering how he would persuade your father to allow him to court you. Quite an intimidating thought, if you ask me. You see, your father, Celeborn, was unbelievably protective of you, especially after your elder sister, Celebrian, left for the Undying Lands. Elrond and you were very in love, and wished to continue through courtship, under the eyes of your parents.

He arrived eventually at the Forest of Lothlorien, and was met with a beautiful sight.

You, strolling slowly and silently throughout the calm woods, a small collection of flowers in your delicate hands, and a smile on your cherry red lips. You adored the forest, the creatures, the trees, the silence. It was one of the few tranquil places to which you could escape to think, and your thoughts usually wandered to Elrond. Ironically, you had been thinking about Lord Elrond when he had stumbled across you. You looked up when you heard Arwen call your name, and saw the company of elves no more than thirty paces away.

"Hello, Arwen!" you cried joyfully as the two of you embraced in a rare hug, as elves do not have the same customs as other races.

"My father is here to see you," she whispered into your hair, causing you to blush and attempt to hold back a smile. "And to speak with your parents about courting you," she continued. At this, your face paled considerably.

"It will not work, mellon nin," you chided quietly. "You know how strict and protective they are, especially my father."

"Lord Celeborn respects my father greatly, Celebrion. This matter should not be different from any other matters they have ever discussed."

You shrugged, some of your long (h/c) locks falling gracefully over your shoulder (as if anything you did wasn't graceful). "We shall see."

Not an hour later, you stood next to Elrond, facing your parents, as your lover asked your father, Lord Celeborn of Lorien himself, for the permission of courting you.

Your stomach churned with nervousness as your father narrowed his eyes at Elrond.

"And how can I believe that you will not hurt my daughter in any way, Lord Elrond?" Celeborn prodded.

Elrond's back straightened and his gaze hardened as he seemed to be offended by the fact that his long-time friend did not trust him. "Mellon nin, I love Celebrion more than anything. I would gladly care for her, love her, and bear her burdens as they were mine for the rest of eternity. I would ask for nothing more than to be with her."

Your eyes smarted with tears, and you pressed a hand to your heart, touched at the loving speech Elrond had given, even if it was to your father.

Celeborn smiled, as did your mother beside him, Galadriel. "You have our permission to court our daughter, Lord Elrond," your mother stated eagerly, causing the four of you to laugh, with humor and joy.

At last, you and your beloved would be able to continue your journey on the pathway that would eventually lead to marriage, and a happy life together.

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