Hands Off (Bilbo x Hobbit!Reader)

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Alright, EleanorLearn , this may be short, but I'm going to try to make it as CUTE AND FLUFFY as possible!😍😍 THIS IS SO CUTE That dress up there is what you're wearing in this one, and your hair is curly, but loose curls (like Bilbo's), not tigh...

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Alright, EleanorLearn , this may be short, but I'm going to try to make it as CUTE AND FLUFFY as possible!😍😍 THIS IS SO CUTE
That dress up there is what you're wearing in this one, and your hair is curly, but loose curls (like Bilbo's), not tight ones like Rosy has in lotr. Enjoy~


You had heard that the dwarves Bilbo had taken off with had successfully won back Erebor, and you couldn't wait to see the new dwarves kingdom. You hurriedly packed your things and started your trek to Erebor to see your lover, Bilbo Baggins.

Once you arrived, you found it difficult not to be trodden underfoot or lost in the crowds, as many hundreds of dwarves made their way into the newly reclaimed kingdom.

Finally pushing through the crowds that thinned out towards the entrance of Erebor, you gasped at the sight. It was lovely, regal, and very...dwarvish. In the best way.

There were surprisingly few dwarves inside of the halls of Erebor, and so far you couldn't spot Bilbo. You did, however, turn many heads when you approached, probably because of the dress you were wearing. It was frilly and cute...not quite traveling material, but it suited you. It made you look absolutely adorable. And thus attracted attention from many of the dwarves.

One after another approached you, asking for your name, who you were, saying flirty things and winking at you. It felt good to have attention again, especially after Bilbo had been gone for so long, but it made you just a tad uncomfortable.

Before the burly, sweaty dwarves could get much closer to you and pry too much longer, a much shorter, thinner man pushed and shoved through the crowd.

"Alright! Back off!" he shouted, and you instantly recognized the voice.

"Bilbo!" you cried with glee, and stood on your tiptoes to try and spot him amongst the dwarves.

"(Y/n)!" he shouted back and mumbled more rude things to the dwarves that were standing between him and his love. The dwarves grunted in disappointment and stepped aside, letting Bilbo through.

He smiled and rushed to you before you could move, and engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug, which you happily returned. He quickly pulled back and pressed his lips to yours, pouring out all the love and emotion he had not been able to give you for the past 13 months.

All the dozens of dwarf men surrounding you soon dispersed, all put off by Bilbo's show of affection.

Rest assured, it wouldn't be the last.

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now