Reunited (Fili x Hobbit!Reader) (Part 2)

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Fili's POV

I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask (y/n) if she would give me the honor of courting her.

Kili is confident she'll say yes, Uncle Thorin is confident she'll say yes, I'm just not so sure...

We've now finished eating, and Master Baggins and Uncle are talking, discussing Thorin's new responsibilities as king, and how Bilbo's life has been since the adventure. Kili is sharpening his arrows and listening in on the adults' conversation, although I know he is also sneaking glances at me and (y/n), who is sitting beside me.

"Miss (y/n)?" I start tentatively.

"Yes?" she turns to look at me, her eyes sparkling. She is wearing a crown of daisies in her (h/l) (h/c) locks, making her look even more like the princess she is to me. She is so stunning...I am not sure I can do this..

Your POV

He is just staring at me.

"Um..hello?" I wave my hand in front of his handsome face, and he blinks and shakes his head, his shy smile returning.

"O-oh, yes..well I was wondering if um...if you'd like to take a walk with me?" He sounds nervous. He's never nervous. Why is he nervous?

"I'd love to!" I respond cheerily, hoping to lighten the mood a little. As I stand to my feet, I catch a glimpse of young Kili, who I could've sworn was smiling..

Fili's POV

"I'd love to!"

Okay, now I just have to make sure I nail the tough question.

After a while of walking down dirt trails throughout the Shire and talking about what has happened since we last saw each other, I look down at (y/n), readying myself to ask her the most important question I've ever asked anyone.

"And that was when Bilbo decided he'd never go near a tortoise in a corset again!" (Y/n) ended her story that I hadn't really been paying attention to, laughing hysterically. I chuckled as well, so that at least it wasn't obvious that I wasn't listening.

But of course, she saw right through me.

"Are you alright, Fili?" my azyungal asked quietly. "You seem far away, as if your mind is carrying a great burden." Ah, her voice is like silk, or sweet honey. If only I could just tell her how very much I loved her and wished her to be mine.

"Actually, I do have something on my mind," I caved. "Could I share it with you?"

(Y/n) nodded quickly. "Of course! Here, sit down," she took me by the hand and pulled me to the ground to sit with her in the shade of a sturdy oak tree. "Now," she said sweetly, gently taking my large hands into her much smaller ones, "tell me what is on your mind."

I took a deep breath. Now would be the perfect time to ask. You can do this, Fili!

"I um..." I swallow nervously. (Y/n)'s gorgeous (e/c) eyes never leave mine, and it encourages me to keep going. "Miss (y/n), I do not expect you to reciprocate, but I just need to tell you: I love you." Her eyes go wide, and a faint pink blush dusts the apples of her cheeks. But I cannot stop now.

"You make me feel alive. Every time I am around you, every time you speak, every time you smile, every time you touch me, it feels like I am struck by lightning. Every day since the day you left Erebor for the Shire I have lamented your absence, wishing I could see you but once more, to once again hold you in my arms. I..I knew I had found my One."

I could see (y/n)'s eyes pooling with tears, and she gripped my hands tightly. I squeezed hers with the same strength to silently tell her that I was there for her.

"And so, Miss (y/n) Baggins of the Shire, would you do me the great honor of letting me court you?"

(Y/n)'s face broke into a wild grin, and she flung herself onto me, wrapping her arms around me in a teary hug. "Yes!!" she shouted, crying now. I gently returned the embrace, and rubbed circles into her back to soothe her. I stroked her hair, and whispered loving things into her ear, and eventually she calmed down.

"May I braid your hair?" I asked, now able to look her in the eye as we had pulled away from our embrace. She nods emphatically and turns around so that I have access to the hair on the right side of her head. I begin to section off the hair and braid, nearing the end and incorporating my courting beads into it. "Alright, now you," I beam at her. I hand her the other courting beads and turn my head so she can braid my hair as well. I know she knows how to braid, I saw her do it to her own hair while on the quest, so this will not be a problem.

Once we are both finished (y/n) touches her braid gingerly, smiling like a madman.

"Is this really real?" she whispers, probably not intending for me to hear.

I gently press a loving kiss to her cheek and pull her into a hug, cradling her against my chest. "Yes it is, Amrâlimê."

Part two was also requested by EleanorLearn ! Thanks girl, this was soooo fun!!
Lemme know if you have a request, random reader!😉😉

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now