Little Kids (Pippin)

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I had Peregrin Took over at my parent's hobbit hole for dinner and supper. The problem was, my entire family was there too. My entire family. Selfish...acting like it's their hole or something..

Just in case you didnt catch on, I have a very, very large family. I am the youngest of 8 hobbits, which means being an aunt to a lot of kids.

I wouldn't have asked Pip to come over if I'd known everyone was going to be there! I thought it would just be me, my darling Pippin, and my parents. Boy was I wrong...

"I don't know, (y/n)," Pip said nervously, fiddling with his handsome vest. "Are you sure your parents will like me?"

I sighed and took his hand gently. (Hehe get it? Took? Ok..) "Darling, I know they will. Your family is very respectable, and you know my family isn't of any social status or importance. It's not like we'd think any less of you because you're rich."

Pip nodded. "I know, I'm just...anxious."

"Don't be," I smiled and opened the round blue door to my family's old hobbit hole.

And there goes my smile.

As soon as I had opened the door, the loud ruckus of small hobbits hit us like a clap of thunder. All 17 of my nieces and nephews were running around the foyer and hallways, jumping on furniture, and touching things that they probably shouldn't have been. My 8 siblings were all sitting a few rooms away, in the living room, not paying any mind to their offspring.

"Oh.." I exhaled with tremendous stress, slowly closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose as if to prevent a migraine from coming on.

Pippin laughed. If at the sight of the kids or at the sight of me, I do not know. "Are these your siblings then?" he asked hesitantly, probably wondering if courting me were the best idea after all.

"Oh goodness no," I murmured, opening my eyes and placing my hands on my hips. "They're my siblings' children."

"Oh!" Pip smiled, shutting the front door behind us as we walked in, trying not to step on kids who were crawling underfoot. "They look adorable!"

I smiled. "Yeah, they can be."

Suddenly, one of my more observant nieces shrieked, and I looked down in surprise to see her looking straight at me, her blue eyes sparkling. She simply stared at me, mouth agape, for what felt like forever, but was probably only a couple seconds. Then she screamed, "Auntie (y/n)!!"

This was apparently some sort of signal all the children shared with each other, because instantly every single curly head popped up to look at me, standing there with (to them) a strange man beside me.

"Auntie (y/n)!!!" the rest screeched in unison, and started to run towards me.

"Oh no," I whined, seeing them coming. Pippin laughed hysterically as they swarmed around me, tugging on my dress, hugging my knees, sitting on my feet, and practically climbing me like a tree.

Trying to get them off was harder than I thought. "Laurien, get off of my foot, I can't walk if you do that, sweetie. Tori, please let go of my arm. No, Posy, you can't touch my necklace. MARIGOLD DON'T PULL MY HAIR THAT HURTS OW OW OW!!! Angelica, get o-AGH!! WILLEM PUT MY SKIRT DOWN!!"

Apparently Pippin found this whole ordeal absolutely hilarious, and being doubled over laughing, I smacked his backside, which wouldn't have hurt (or possibly not even been felt), due to his thick cloak he wore. He immediately straightened up and blushed. "You lazy Took! Help me!!"

He nodded and pried several kids off of me right away. The other members of my family must have heard my cries, because they all came running in. Once they saw what was going on, they ripped their children away, apologizing profusely. I assured them that it was fine, and introduced Pippin. We all talked together about random things, like how I met Pip, if he could take care of me (not a problem..🤑), stuff like that.

My youngest older sister, Freida, approached, and smiled as she shook Pippin's hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Peregrin. I've heard great things about you," she winked at him. "(Y/n) can't shut up about how wonderful you are to her. Keep up the good work!" As she began to walk off, I glared at her, and Pippin laughed.

"How's the baby coming, Freida?" I called to her retreating form.

"Well so far. Hope this one turns out better than the others.."

"Mm," I nodded.

"Others?" Pip looked at me questioningly.

"She only has one child so far," I said, pointing to Valentine, the little blue eyed girl who had shrieked my name when I had first walked in. "All the other babies she's had were stillborn. We're hoping this time things go smoothly."

"Wow," Pip breathed, taking my hand. "You've got a great family, you know. Good, strong people. They love you."

I smiled at this, looking at the group of my nieces and nephews playing together, now much more organized and supervised than before. "I know."

"But I love you more."

Smiling, I turned to see Pip looking at me softly with those beautiful brown eyes, his face mere inches away. "I know," I barely whispered.

As he slowly leaned in for a kiss, Valentine screamed. We jumped, our hearts racing at having heard the shrill sound out of nowhere. We both stared at my little niece, who looked up at us with a disgusted look on her face. "EEWWWWW!!!! AUNTIE (Y/N) AND HIM ARE KISSING!!!!" she screeched like a Nazgûl, pointing at us. This caused all the kids to either laugh or jeer, neither of which swayed us.

"Valentine, will you calm down, we didn't even ki-"

"EEWWWWW!!!!" all the kids yelled, until they were shouted at by their parents to stop.

Pippin and I laughed.

What a way to start off an evening!

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