Happily Ever After! (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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For the lovely and amazing EleanorLearn ! Sorry if it's not as long as the one you did for me, but I'm gonna give it my all! 😄
Go follow her btw, she's AWESOME!!


"(Y/n)!" my cousin Bilbo shrieks as he nearly falls off of his pony. Well, leaning to the right a bit. He tends to overreact..

"What?" I ask calmly.

He huffed. "I almost fell off of Bongo!"

I paused for a moment before answering. "Well what did you expect me to do? I'm on a pony of my own, there's nothing I could do if I wanted to."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Never mind, just... are you excited? To see Erebor and the Company again?"

"Erebor? Yes. The Company? ...Yes." It's true, I am excited to see those silly dwarves again. Bilbo said everyone had survived, so they all had decided to have a party and feast to celebrate the reclamation of Erebor and the coronation of Thorin Oakenshield. Yes, I do miss them...but one a bit more than the others...

"What about you?" I ask, breaking the silence between me and my cousin. "Are you excited as well?"

Bilbo nodded emphatically. "I definitely miss Erebor, and the dwarves. No doubt Bard and his dear children will be there as well."

I nodded in agreement. Bilbo told me that the dragon slayer ended on a good note with the king under the mountain, thankfully, otherwise there might've been another few battles breaking out between Erebor and the newly constructed Dale.

>>>time skip to arriving in Erebor<<<

I can only stare. Erebor is just...incredible.

The immensely enormous tapestries practically cover the walls, depicting ancient battles and coronations. Candelabras hung on the walls as well, along with huge chandeliers and firefly-filled lanterns. The warm light filled every crack and crevice of the fortress, creating a beautiful ambiance that could only make me feel elated and happy.

I smile uncontrollably as I wander away from Bilbo, who is talking to and catching up with Bofur. I try to find the one dwarf that I just cannot tear my mind away from, nor my eyes when he is in view.

"Looking for someone, (y/n)?" a voice says behind me, and I jump, startled. I turn around quickly to see Prince Kili standing behind me, grinning maniacally.

"Kili!" I scold half-heartedly. "You nearly scared me to death!"

Kili didn't lose his annoying smirk. "Well it's a good thing I didn't succeed; Fili would be crushed if you'd died."

I glare at him, feeling a hot blush form on my cheeks. "Don't you dare mention that to anyone!" I hiss angrily, but Kili still didn't sway. He had noticed me staring at his elder brother when they were at Bilbo's hobbit hole over a year ago. I mistakenly admitted to him that I fancied Fili. And now he won't let me live it down.

"Oh I already did," he added calmly.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "What?!" I screeched quietly. "Who did you tell??"

Kili began to count off people on his fingers. "Oh, just Uncle Thorin, Bofur, Tauriel, Ori, Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Balin, Dwal-"

"You told Fili?!" I cried, not bothering to hide my volume or tone, but everyone else in Erebor was already occupied with their own affairs.

"Yes, he did."

My face pales and I turn around slowly to see Fili's handsome smiling face. I swallow hard and clear my throat nervously. "I uh..guess I don't have much to explain, huh?"

Fili laughed, the sound resonating through my bones and warming my insides. "No, not really, dear (y/n). Kili told me that you fancied me when we started our journey to reclaim Erebor-" at this he drew so close to me that all I could see were his beautiful blue eyes, one of his arms wrapping around my waist, "-and to be honest, it was one of the only things that kept me going. The prospect of coming back to you someday." He gazed into my eyes, and I into his, and I knew at this moment I had found my true love.

"Are you sure you're alright with her staying here, Master Baggins?" Thorin asked the hobbit.

Bilbo nodded, happy tears in his eyes. "I couldn't imagine a better ending for her," he answered quietly.

"Aye, they are lovely together," Bofur commented.

"And they lived," Ori concluded, smiling as he quickly scribbled in his book, "happily ever after."

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