Garden Trowels and Wedding Vows (Sam x Hobbit!Reader)

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Sam patted the soft soil around his newly planted daises, the little white flowers waving around in the slight breeze, as did his curly red hair. He sat back on his heels, pleased with his work, and wiped the thin sheet of sweat from his brow.

He was about to lean in for more weeding when he heard an all too familiar buzz around his head. "Stupid bee," he muttered, swinging his hand around in the air in an attempt to rid himself of the pest, but the loud, metallic buzzing continued. A frown twisted his lips downward, and he swatted the air once more, but the persistent little honey-maker would not give up!

Before he knew what was happening, a hand smacked his shoulder, and he fell backwards in surprise.

"Sorry 'bout that," the owner of the had that had slapped him apologized, and he turned to see that the person was a beautiful young hobbit lass. "It looked like that nasty bumblebee was going to sting you!"

"I-It's all right," Sam sputtered. "Thank you," he added, standing to his feet and pulling off his gardening gloves.

The girl smiled and bobbed her head in a curtsy. "My pleasure. I see you've transplanted some daisies there, aye?"

Sam nodded, glancing down at his newest addition of flowers. "Aye, they should survive the move. All I need to do now is yank up the weeds."

"Could I help?" the girl asked eagerly.

"I'd be happy to have your assistance!" Sam replied heartily, then paused as he bent down to begin plucking the pesky weeds. "What was your name then, miss?"

"(Y/n) (l/n)," she chirped, kneeling down to join Sam before the garden bed.

Sam nodded, "My name is Samwise Gamgee; my friends call me Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss (y/n)!"

Not long after this chance meeting, Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Merry all left to destroy the One Ring . Thankfully, they all arrived back home safely. The moment Sam found you at the pub, he proposed, and you two were married the next day.

And you both lived happily ever after!

For my bestie EleanorLearn !! Love uuuu

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