Permission (Kili)

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For EleanorLearn , I'm sorry this is so late! I've been camping and spelunking 😂


The battle had been won, everyone had survived, and you and Kili were growing closer and closer, especially while he was stuck in the infirmary healing.

You talked of courting, of your great love for each other, and what your father and Kili's uncle would think of such a notion. Being such young, headstrong dwarves however, neither of you really cared what your figures of authority had to say, but in the end they did have the last word.

One day, not that long after the Durins were back on their feet, Thorin sent for Dwalin, beckoning the warrior to his office. Dwalin sat in the chair opposite Thorin's, and the king leaned onto the desk in front of him, trying to relieve some of the pain of having to sit up straight on his own.

"Now Dwalin, I must speak to you of...the matters of the heart."

Dwalin raised an eyebrow, but did not reply just yet, allowing Thorin to quickly resume before any assumptions could be made.

"Your daughter, (Y/n), and Kili seem to be quite fond of each other. I have been told they often speak of courting one another."

Dwalin's face began to take on a brilliant shade of red, not of embarrassment or shame, but of anger. "Kili?" he rasped.

Thorin nodded, understanding why Dwalin could be upset about this. As much as the warrior respected the young Durin lads, he would never have approved of Kili courting his precious daughter. Maybe Fili, seeing as he was the eldest, next in line as heir, and groomed to be the best prince he could possibly be. But young, reckless, carefree Kili? No way!

"I see your resentment towards this, my friend," Thorin attempted to calm Dwalin, and spread his hands in a gesture of pleading. "Allow me to simply tell you why this might actually be a good ide-"

Before Thorin could finish, Dwalin rushed out of the room, his fists clenching and unclenching, as if he was practicing how he would strangle the young prince when he found him.

He did find him, and his daughter, both strolling through the hallway that would eventually open into the royal gardens. They both had the biggest smiles on their faces, simply beaming with pure, unadulterated joy. Dwalin could see they were talking, but he was never good with reading people's lips, so he had no idea what they were saying.

"Probably nothing of any good," he muttered angrily to himself as he came nearer and nearer to the couple.

(Y/n) recognized her father's stomps against the stone floor, the sound snapping her out of her dazed stare into Kili's lovely brown eyes as he spoke. "Oh, hello father!" she greeted happily, turning around to face him. "What brings you he-" She was interrupted by Dwalin grabbing her roughly by the arm, yanking her to stand behind him, much to her protest.

"Hey, what's that for?!" Kili shouted, obviously angry and confused at the fact that (Y/n)'s father was being so brutish.

"Don't you speak to me in that tone of voice, young man!!" Dwalin yelled back, pointing a thick finger in Kili's face. "You'll not have my daughter! Not today, nor any other!" He grabbed (Y/n) and shoved her in the opposite direction, back towards their quarters. "And don't even think about speaking to her or coming near her again!!"

With that, Dwalin stomped off with his near-to-tears daughter in tow, leaving Kili standing there, his jaw slack in shock and disbelief.

For the next few weeks, (Y/n) refused to talk to Dwalin. The most she ever did when he spoke to her or confronted her about her attitude was grunt and shrug. He didn't see Kili much either; when he did he was accompanied by his elder brother Fili, who would constantly pat his shoulder and give him looks of sympathy, as the young archer always had a pitiful frown on his face.

Dwalin sank down on the side of his bed, his head in his hands and his shoulders drooping in defeat. He couldn't keep watching his daughter waste away like this. She would barely eat, she'd constantly lock herself in her bedroom and cry, wailing about how terrible her father was for separating her from her One.

This was what had broken the old warrior. He knew what it was like to lose someone close to him, his One. His wife, Mika (Mee-kah), had passed away shortly after (Y/n)'s 9th birthday.

Finally resolving himself, Dwalin rose from the bed and made his way to (Y/n)'s room to give his consent, as well as apologize profoundly.

Over the next few weeks, Kili and (Y/n) rarely left each other's sides, always clinging to one another like they might be torn apart again.

They soon announced the beginning of their courtship, each of the youngsters sporting their courting braids and beads, unabashedly proud of their fierce love for the other.

"You've done well, Dwalin," Thorin praised the warrior as they stood side by side, watching Kili and (Y/n) dance together at their courtship celebration. "You've done well."

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