Men Among Women (Company x Amazon!Reader) (Part 2)

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Sorry this has taken me so long, I've been crazy busy

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Sorry this has taken me so long, I've been crazy busy. Hope you like this tho!


Atalanta shifted in her throne a bit, and leaned to the left to rest her chin on her hand. "Well, now I see why you keep the dwarves around, Gandalf," she said with a smirk. "They're fun."

Gandalf chuckled and removed his pointed grey hat, sitting in the fancy chair the Queen gestured for him to sit in. "Yes, but they can also be quite a handful."

Atalanta nodded. "Men are stubborn. Dwarves are impossible." She shrugged, "But that is just how the world works, I suppose."

A moment of silence passed before Gandalf spoke again.

"I am guessing you have deduced Thorin Oakenshield's motives?"

"Very quickly." Queen Atalanta swiftly swung one leg over the other, and slouched in her throne a bit. "Erebor is his birthright as King under the mountain. It only makes sense that he fight for it. face a dragon...Smaug himself; it seems foolish, does it not?"

Gandalf sighed. "It does seem so, but I believe that if Thorin does not reclaim it for himself, something very evil will. An enemy lurks in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. That moment will be upon us sooner than we know or wish, my Queen. We must claim Erebor in the name of Durin as soon as possible."

Atalanta nodded slowly, taking in the news with stifling sobriety. "This is very serious, then."

"Yes," Gandalf grumbled as he took a few grapes and a bit of cheese from a platter an Amazonian held in front of him.

Atalanta took some food as well, and set them onto a golden plate. "I see. In that case, I shall send my two best warriors with you, to aid you and your Company on your journey."

"That would be greatly appreciated, Your Majesty," Gandalf began, "but have you considered how Thorin will react to the presence of women amongst his men?"

Atalanta chuckled, and bit into a juicy purple grape, sucking the sweet juices before they could dribble down her hands and chin. "Dear Gandalf. It will be the matter of men among women."

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