New Customs (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn , I hope you enjoy!! I tried so hard to find a confused Fili pic lol!
In this quickshot, you are Bilbo's cousin, (y/n) Took😍


You glanced over at Fili from your pony once more, straining to catch but a glimpse of his gorgeous blond hair that seemed to glow with a light of its own. But there was no longer a need to gaze upon him, for his visage was already imprinted into your memory. His gorgeous sky blue eyes always seemed to smile, and search your soul when he looked into your eyes.

You sighed, partly in contentment and in melancholy. You wanted him to yourself; you knew you had found the one person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You were pretty sure he fancied you too, Kili had dropped some hints the other day to you, tiptoeing around the fact that you were Fili's One. But as for feeling melancholy, you sighed again, your shoulders drooping sluggishly.

You knew nothing about dwarvish courting rituals. Absolutely nothing.

Balin had told you something about dwarves having 'Ones,' but that had been quite vague, although you had figured out that a dwarf's One is the only person for which they will ever have the capacity to love.

You hoped and wished with all your might that you were Fili's One.

Your elder cousin Bilbo noticed your saddened state, and leaned over a bit from his pony, Myrtle, careful not to fall off. "Something wrong, (y/n)?" he asked quietly.

You shook your head; you didn't want him to be bothered by your trivial problems.

"Something's wrong, (y/n)," he insisted, able to read you like an open book. You looked up at the clear blue sky in hopelessness, the cheerful color reminding you painfully of your lover's beautiful eyes.

"Yes," you whispered.

"What is it, then?" Bilbo prodded.

You hesitated a moment before answering, a bit of blush rising up your neck and filling your cheeks. "I..I believe I fancy Fili," you continued silently, "but I know nothing of dwarvish courting customs or rituals. How do I properly show him I love him, Bilbo?" You weren't exactly sure your bachelor cousin was the right person to ask about this dilemma of yours, but he was quite logical in his problem-solving, and you knew you could trust him.

"Well, we hobbits have courting rituals as well, (y/n)," he reminded you. "Why don't you show him your feelings like we do amongst our own kin?" he suggested. "I'd imagine that, as princes, they must at least know some about hobbits."

You nodded, your beautiful smile returning to your flushed face. "I think I have just the idea, cousin. Thank you!" you added quietly.

>>>a few hours later, in camp<<<

You walked in Fili's direction, your hands shaking a bit with nerves.

What if he did not return your feelings? What if he laughed in your face? If anything​ happened, the least would be your heart being broken. But Fili was kind, he would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. You could be confident.

This thought steadied your hands and set your mind​ straight. Everything would be hoped.

Kili saw you approaching and grinned, knowing what you were going to do. You had asked him about ten minutes earlier to distract his brother in conversation, so that he wouldn't notice you wandering off a bit to collect flowers.

All flowers have a particular meaning, and hobbits hold this near and dear to their hearts, using it as a main method of telling their loved ones how they feel.

Luckily, you had found an open field covered in all sorts of flowers, but you only picked two kinds. Blue roses, meaning mystery and intrigue, and tulips, which were a declaration of love. You had gathered a bouquet of them, and skipped giddily back to camp, intent on gifting them to Fili.

Kili noticed you standing right behind his elder brother, and quickly ended his conversation, walking briskly towards Dwalin to start impromptu small talk.

Fili turned around, a bit confused by his younger brother's actions, but his friends disappeared and his eyes lit up when they caught sight of you. "Oh, hello, Miss (y/n)!" he gushed excitedly. "How are you?"

"Good, good," you nodded quickly.

"Did you want to talk?" he continued, fidgeting with his gloves nervously.

"Y-yes," You managed to get out, inwardly cursing yourself for stuttering. "I um..wanted to give you these." You presented him with the special flowers, your face bright with joy and hope.

Fili simply responded with a look of mild confusion. To be quite honest, you had expected a bit more excitement. "Err...thanks," he trailed off, and hesitantly took the flowers from your outstretched hand.

You could feel the disappointed tears welling up in your eyes, but you swallowed and pushed them back. "You don't like them?" you asked quietly, your voice cracking a bit.

His eyes widened at this, almost in fear. "No! No no! I mean I do, I just..why?"

You looked at him in astonishment. "Giving flowers are one of the hobbit courting rituals! Every flower has a meaning; like these here: the blue roses mean mystery and intrigue, and the tulips...are a declaration of love.." you said a bit quieter.

Fili blushed a gorgeous hue of pink, blinking down at the flowers.

"I didn't expect you to know the courting customs of my kin," you explained apologetically. "But I knew none of the dwarvish courting rituals, so I decided to go with what I do know."

Fili looked up from the bouquet, showing off his blinding smile. "Thank you, (y/n). The thought behind these flowers is precious to me beyond comprehension. I must say as well, these blossoms are exceptionally lovely," you beamed at this, "but they pale in comparison when next to you, amrâlimê," he finished in a low voice, almost a growl. It resonated through the air and your bones, leaving you nearly breathless, especially when he engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug. You immediately returned the embrace, savoring every second.

"May I braid your hair, my azyûngal?" he whispered into your (h/c) locks.

You smirked at the trees. "Is braiding one another's hair a part of dwarvish courting rituals?"

You could almost feel him grinning behind you.


"Then let's begin."

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