It's Alright Now (Modern!Fili)

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For EleanorLearn , sorry if this is short. I'm feeling a little better (hooray!) and I have Sunday and Monday off work (HOORAY!!), so TO EVERYONE, I should be able to update a lot!
Please request!

Also, what do you guys think of a sci-fi short story by moi?😏 I've got a pretty smashing idea!!


Your POV

I was walking down the busy sidewalks of New York City with my boyfriend, Fili Durin, in tow. I had just got off work, and was absolutely ready to relax for the weekend.

What's my occupation, you might ask? Well, I'm a desk secretary at Fox News Headquarters. I work with paperwork and take phone calls all day. It's not so bad, not when you've got great coworkers like Tauriel and Legolas (Tauriel used to be a Norwegian model—tons of room for gossip there—, and Legolas is a dj on the weekends).

There is a slight problem with my job, however. More like the dress code. Every day to work I must wear, and I quote:
A knee/length black or navy blue pencil skirt
A white, light pink, or ivory blouse
High heeled black or red shoes (preferably stilettos)
Jewelry is optional

Yeah, nobody stares at you when you walk down Broadway or Main Street wearing that kind of attire. (Please note sarcasm)

I'd get cat called a lot, but I've learned to ignore it all, ignore everyone, and taking a cab all the way home makes it easier (especially in stilettos). But this time, Fili came to pick me up from work since he was going to pick up his younger brother Kili from Midtown High-school right afterwards.

Unfortunately, Fili had parked the convertible quite a ways away (the parking lot in front of the building was quite full), saying 'we could use the exercise,' and 'walking builds character.' He's such a card. (Again, note sarcasm)

Well, that wasn't the unfortunate part. I can deal with walking. I've walked all the way from work to our shared apartment in these blasted heels several times. The unfortunate part was Fili having to hear the cat calling aimed towards me on the way to the car.

I'd told him of these sorts of incidents before, but they were only stories, and only boiled his blood a little. If he actually were to hear it all, and see the vile men doing it, he'd go feral.

As we pass by the construction site for yet another new gas station, 4 or 5 workers wolf whistled my way and called out quite a few lewd statements about my body.

Ignoring them, I kept on walking, but I was soon jerked to a halt, as Fili had stopped and was still clinging to my hand. "Excuse me?! What did you just say about my woman??!"

Not my 'girlfriend.' My 'woman.' How sweet. (No sarcasm this time)

"Fili," I said quietly with an unreadable look on my face, "please, let it go. Let's go home, hon."

But he didn't let it go. He continued to shout at and basically threaten the construction workers for another 10 minutes at least, while bypassers looked on and stared. I was finally able to pull him away, but he did nothing but glare and brood the whole time we were in the car, even after we picked up Kili.

Once we arrived at the apartment (after dropping Kili off at his uncle's place), Fili and I laid down on the sofa to take a quick nap and settle down.

He eventually calmed down, and after several hugs, kisses, and negotiations, he agreed to only stay with me wherever I went, unless I was actively working.

Not that I minded.

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