Let's Take a Walk (Legolas x Reader)

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For @Eunice199701; sorry if it's short! I've been suffering from the after-effects of writer's block.


Legolas was simply taking a stroll through the part of the forest of Mirkwood that circled the castle, enjoying the chilly breeze blowing his hair back and nipping at his nose and pointed ears. But he didn't expect to come across buried treasure.

Perhaps I should explain...

You had decided on taking a walk outside before Legolas had even thought of it, and out you went. You knew that if you ended up getting a cold that the prince would find out you went outside of the palace of Mirkwood against his wishes. 

While thinking about how you could cover up your tracks, you failed to notice a large tree with very heavy laden branches, the snow on top of them weighing them down so much they nearly touched your head. Without warning, the branches finally gave way and allowed the snow to fall...covering you and burying you beneath the freezing white powder.

You let out a squeak of surprise, and nearly laughed at your circumstances. Barely a minute later, Legolas discovered you, and pulled you out from the enormous pile of snow.

"How do you always manage to bring these sorts of circumstances upon yourself, melleth nin?" he asked with a chuckle as he swept off clumps of snow from your clothing. 

You shrugged. "I have a talent, I suppose."

"Yes, indeed," Legolas concurred, and quickly removed his cape, proceeding to wrap it about your shoulders in an attempt to warm you. You hummed in thanks, and followed Legolas back to the palace, where he promised warm cider and a good book would be waiting for your return.

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